
The Fabric of a Data-driven Connected Enterprises: The Future of Healthcare

An insight article by Sunil Senan, SVP, Data and Analytics, Infosys on “The Fabric of a Data-driven Connected Enterprises: The Future of Healthcare”. The article emphasizes on how Healthcare enterprises can strive to be more data-driven and agile in terms of acting on real-time insights. Sunil also talks about how Cloud computing and virtualized infrastructure can be leveraged to integrate data originating from various touchpoints across functions.

Article lays out a step-by-step plan for the healthcare enterprises on how to digitally transform their data ecosystems to attain this and strive for becoming a Data economy in the long run. As Sunil mentions in the article; “A connected and data-centric approach brings meaning and context to different types of data. It aligns them with specific functional needs, creating an intelligent ambiance that can maximize the potential of data.”

Read the full article here.