A leading fashion retailer sought Infosys' assistance to expedite project completion and resolve internal issues more efficiently.

The company grappled with complex software code that was increasingly challenging to manage, especially with employee turnover. This complexity was consuming time and hampering productivity.

Key Challenges

  • The company’s software code had become increasingly complex and difficult to manage, particularly amid turnover among the employees who had written the code
  • Navigating these challenges was consuming large amounts of time and diminishing employee productivity

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The Solution

An AI tool that improved knowledge management and redefined the entire software engineering life cycle

Infosys introduced a generative AI solution that accelerated the software engineering life cycle, covering all aspects from project planning to code refactoring. The solution converted thousands of software scripts, written in various languages, into simplified English, making them easier to manage and understand.

Transforming software development with generative AI

  • AI-driven acceleration of the software engineering life cycle
  • Conversion of complex scripts into simplified English
  • Significant boost in employee productivity
  • Notable reduction in time, cloud costs, and impact analysis


Higher productivity: Reducing the complexity of the software code boosted productivity among new employees by 25 percent

Higher productivity: Reducing the complexity of the software code boosted productivity among new employees by 25 percent

Saving time and money: The simplified software code helped reduce impact analysis and issue resolution time by up to 30 percent and helped reduce cloud costs by up to 20 percent

Saving time and money: The simplified software code helped reduce impact analysis and issue resolution time by up to 30 percent and helped reduce cloud costs by up to 20 percent