Our client, a large international apparel company, sought to gain insights into cloud spends, identify security red flags, and enhance visibility into performance metrics.

Infosys implemented Cloud FinOps workbench enabling the client to identify cloud spend across each line of business (LOB), cost centers, applications, and business owners. Additionally, cloud optimization recommendations were provided without the need to log into the cloud service provider (CSP) console.

Key Challenges

  • Overspending on Cloud Infrastructure: The apparel company was experiencing excessive spending on cloud resources.
  • Unidentified Untargeted Resources: The presence of unidentified and untargeted resources led to inefficiencies in resource allocation.

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The Solution

Driving Cost Optimization and Enhanced Visibility

Infosys implemented a comprehensive cloud spend analysis, powered by Infosys Cobalt, enabling the apparel company to make quick cost optimization decisions and improve cloud return on investment (ROI). Cost and utilization analysis were provided at various granular levels, including portfolio, account, service, region, project, and resource levels. Recommendations for over-provisioned and under-provisioned resources were delivered, along with notifications on planned maintenance from the CSP to reduce downtime.

Driving Efficiency and Savings: The FinOps Revolution

  • Cost Optimization: Achieved significant cost savings through granular cost analysis and proactive resource management.
  • Real-Time Visibility: Empowered with real-time reporting to identify new workloads and optimize cloud spend on the fly.
  • Enhanced Security: Ensured data integrity and security by keeping sensitive information within the customer's cloud environment.


Cost-Efficient Solution

Cost-Efficient Solution: Achieved low-cost native cloud solution compared to commercial products, resulting in significant cost savings.

Real-Time Reporting

Real-Time Reporting: Enabled the generation of volumetric reports in real-time, allowing for timely insights into new workloads provisioned each day.

Enhanced Security

Enhanced Security: Ensured sensitive data remains within the customer's cloud environment, mitigating security concerns and vulnerabilities.