In an environment where regular equipment safety inspections are vital, Infosys partnered with a global manufacturer to streamline their process.

The manufacturer grappled with multilingual reports in disparate formats, and a high-cost, labor-intensive response system. They sought Infosys' innovative solutions to enhance their inspection protocol and reduce the associated expenses.

Key Challenges

  • Inspection reports, submitted by vendors from throughout the world, arrived in multiple languages and formats
  • A significant investment was needed to manually respond to the reports that identified problems

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The Solution

An AI-powered solution that could extract text and deliver relevant information to specialists

Infosys built a generative AI solution that uses capabilities like OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and text extraction from PDFs to process the inspection reports and deliver relevant information to equipment specialists.

Revolutionizing inspection processes with AI: The Infosys approach

  • AI-powered solution for processing inspection reports
  • Utilization of OCR and text extraction for efficient information delivery
  • Significant time and cost savings through automated processing


Saving time and money: A 70-80 percent reduction in the time needed to review the documents, which translated to significant cost savings

Saving time and money: A 70-80 percent reduction in the time needed to review the documents, which translated to significant cost savings

Accelerated time to market and improved profits

Accelerated time to market and improved profits