
How Retailers Can Transform Using Data in the Cloud

For traditional retailers, the cloud can help reduce a retailer’s cost of computing and data storage, while offering new experiences to customers. Digital Solutions can enable intelligent retail that helps understand customers better, empowers employees to deliver breakout customer experiences, builds robust supply chains, and contributes to reimagining the customer experience.

So how can retailers maximize value from the cloud?

In this article published in IT Brief Australia, Andal Alwan, APAC Regional Head - Consumer Goods, Retail & Logistics, Infosys talks about how retailer CMOs/CSOs can work with their CIOs to assess their cloud journey, identify solutions and create a data platform that allows real-time analytics capabilities and insights driven by AI and ML. By leveraging the Infosys Cobalt Cloud Community to access an ever-growing catalogue of over 200 cloud-first solution blueprints, curated from more than 14,000 cloud assets, retailers can truly transform their capabilities with the cloud.

Click here to read the article.