Hybrid Cloud: Benefits for Data-Driven Enterprises

Modern data-driven businesses use data as a valuable part of their decision-making processes, strategy development, and day-to-day operations. These come from a variety of sources – including customer interactions, market trends, operational metrics, and internal processes. As a result, data is actively collected, stored, and analyzed for making important business decisions.

Tarang Puranik, Senior Vice President, Global Service Offering Head - Cloud Infrastructure Services & Head of Delivery for Europe, Infosys, in his article “Hybrid Cloud: Benefits for Data-Driven Enterprises” mentions the value added by a strong hybrid cloud management platform that manages and orchestrates workloads across the enterprise—whether the data resides in a data center on-premises, private cloud, or public cloud, as well as along IoT and edge devices.

Read the full article published in manage IT to understand the benefits of hybrid cloud solutions for organizations to maximize the value of their data, minimize costs, and maintain flexibility in today's data-driven business environment.

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