
Infosys Wins AWS Sustainability Partner of the Year Award 2022 for Blockchain Solution for Global Development Agency

We are delighted to announce that Infosys has won the AWS Sustainability Partner of the Year Award 2022 – EMEA for conceptualizing and developing a carbon emission track-and-trace solution for a global intergovernmental agency. The project was developed in close partnership with AWS and the Infosys Blockchain Practice. This award acknowledges the innovation and commitment demonstrated by AWS partner organizations in achieving client sustainability goals using next-gen technology solutions supported by AWS offerings. Read more about our award here.

Challenges faced by the client
The client is a global intergovernmental agency operating worldwide. Human land use activities like agriculture contribute significantly to greenhouse gas emissions. Limited visibility into critical parameters makes it even more difficult to track and make different stakeholders accountable. To help reduce carbon footprint, the organization required tamper-proof tracking and traceability of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with consistency and accountability across multiple stakeholders’ systems.

The solution offered by Infosys
Client embarked on a pilot project with Infosys, with a focus on banana cultivation. Infosys leveraged blockchain technology as it provides secure, tamper-proof data provenance across multiple stakeholders. We analyzed and linked critical tracking events within the lifecycle of the agro commodity, which contributes adversely to the environment- greenhouse gases, soil usage, water, and carbon. The project facilitated ease of integration, seamless data sharing, and visibility into environmental parameters in near real-time across all stakeholders

Outcomes for the client

  • We were to have the faster realization of sustainability goals through improved visibility, tamper-proof tracking of carbon footprints
  • Audit costs were reduced through improved integrity of sustainability data
  • Enhanced brand value through a simplified and transparent digital experience
  • The end-to-end system developed by Infosys provides a foolproof mechanism to track the adverse contributions to the environment from the commodity value chain, ultimately helping meet Paris Agreement targets/ESG Goals.

Reach out us at to know more about the solution and how we can enable it for you.