What are the risks associated with algorithms? Why is it important that organizations are responsible and ethical in the adoption of AI? How can a proactive approach be taken while managing risks?

Let’s explore that in this thought leadership series with experts from University College of London & Holistic AI.

Research paper on the move towards Responsible AI


Responsible Adoption of AI: A Cloud-centric Approach

Dr Adriano Koshiyama,
CEO, Holistic AI & Research fellow, University College of London

Nigel Kingsman,
AI Assurance Lead, Holistic AI

Emre Kazim,
COO, Holistic AI.

Ashok Panda,
VP, AI & Automation Delivery Head, Infosys

Emre Kazim in conversation with Infosys Knowledge Institute on Ethics in AI


Understanding the Ethics of Algorithms, AI, and Automation with
Emre Kazim

Emre Kazim, COO, Holistic AI

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