How does Infosys deliver value in the area of Application Management Services?
Our cloud-enabled, open platform will sense, analyze and assist AMS teams to take swift decisions, optimize operations and prevent disruptions. Infosys Live Enterprise Automation Platform (LEAP) is an end-to-end platform that benefits the enterprise right from transition to steady state service delivery to sustained continuous improvements and transformation. It helps enterprises achieve significantly lower total cost of ownership (TCO) for application management with efficiencies driven by conversational AI, cognitive automation powered by BOT factory repository, business aligned operations and streamlined application management processes.
- Creating digital knowledge management assets and application intelligence analytics during transition to foster automated, accelerated and efficient IT support and maintenance services
- Bringing standardization of operations across portoflios through operations dashboards, realtime SLA montoring, centralized monitoring and reporting
- Providing a digital brain that traces the errors, metrics and logs from all tools which feeds into the Infosys AI Operations Solution to improve the availability, reliability, and performance of application landscape in a business context
- Improving IT operations efficiency by applying NextGen technologies like Machine Learning, Conversational AI, Cognitive Automation along with Agile, DevOps & Microservices Architecture
- Enabling enterprises to constantly sense and analyze the health of business process KPIs that matter, state of the underlying IT processes, operations and application transactions & IT health continuously, proactively identify potential anaomalies and make decisions at zero latency and prevent business disruptions
- Providing faster time to market and better value realization by fostering and accelerating digital transformation initiatives like application portfolio rationalization and modernization, digital and cloud adoption etc., with the right combination of best-of-breed commercial off the shelf products as well as open source software and in-house tools
Our platform adds immense value to enterprises by: