
Infosys Microservices Acceleration platform is our unique platform offering designed for achieving extreme productivity, higher speed and superior quality needed for large scale cloud native development teams. The platform helps achieve these objectives by consistently applying high performance agile practices and best-in-class cloud native design patterns so that development teams can focus on core functionality build out.

The platform is easily customizable to accommodate various DevSecOps tools and container runtimes (both on public clouds and on-premise).

Consistent adoption high performance agile practices, DevSecOps flows and best in class cloud native designs for large scale microservice development.


Challenges & Solutions

Addressed by adopting a platform-based approach to micro-services delivery so that every resource need not be savvy of cloud native technologies.

Resolved using cloud native runtimes.

Using AGILE methodology, cloud native runtimes and devops helped in Go-live with business functionality faster