Learning Games: Where Everyone Wins

Every year, companies spend billions of dollars on training and education. And while the majority of employees believe training programs are important, just 12 percent apply what they learn, on the job. A major reason for this is that the learning experience is not sufficiently engaging.

One way to remedy this is through gamification. Gamification – applying gaming elements in non-game situations – is proven to improve motivation among learners. A survey conducted a few years ago found that 83 percent of learners in a gamified program were motivated, versus just 28 percent of those undergoing non-gamified training.

The good news is that a sophisticated learning experience platform (LXP) built on cutting-edge digital technology can easily incorporate gamification elements to elevate the learning experience and its outcomes. These elements may include storytelling (using a narrative to maintain continuity and interest); simulating a real-world scenario to teach problem solving; and even scavenger hunts to facilitate collaborative learning. A variety of rewards and incentives, such as points, progressive game levels, badges, and leaderboards, are used to inject fun and competitiveness, and motivate learners to work towards a specific goal.

Game advantage

There are many benefits of incorporating gamification in a learning experience platform.

  • Better engagement increases employee participation in training activities and improves learning outcomes. This is because engaged employees display faster learning and better retention. That makes them more successful, confident, and happy at work.
  • When employees are motivated, they not only perform better but also feel closer to the company and its vision. When they feel their company cares for them, they reciprocate with loyalty and advocacy. This creates a positive organization culture and environment.
  • Also, a gamified program often requires learners to collaborate, which builds communication, teamwork, and social interaction.
  • Employers can track learners’ progress while the program is underway and provide real-time feedback to enable timely course correction. They can also identify high performers who could be groomed for senior roles.
  • Last but not least, a gamified training program on a learning experience platform requires learners to take less time off work and also lowers training costs.

This is why a number of leading organizations are leveraging gamification for training and education.

Play it right

Engagement, motivation, and social connection are among the many benefits of using gamification and engagement in learning experiences. While every organization can gain from using gamification in their learning management platform, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Companies need to determine the right gamification approach based on need and context.

The most important thing is to make sure gamification promotes learning goals and doesn’t merely entertain. Hence employers should devise their objectives carefully and choose the gaming options accordingly. It is a good practice to take existing training materials that are known to work and apply gamification elements to enhance the learning experience. The gamification approach must also take the learner persona into account; for example, companies with older employees need to adapt the program to the learners’ digital and general learning abilities.

Last but not least, organizations should work with the right learning experience platform – one with rich capabilities, a good track record, and the backing of a credible implementation partner.