Artificial Intelligence. Real Learning

AI has been a widely discussed subject in business at all levels and is no more ‘the technology of the future’. It is already transforming many fields; one such example is Learning (Training) and Development (L&D). Enterprises need to be aware of rapidly developing technology and use it to enhance employee learning processes and experiences. AI will have a great influence on the Talent development sector, as it will help with highly personalized learning experiences, real-time, integrated learning, real-time data, and analytics capabilities and provide organizations insights that will help them in developing new training programs for effective learning.

Read this POV to know how artificial intelligence will help transform the enterprise reskilling & upskilling journey.

This POV has been co-authored by

  • Thirumala Arohi – SVP - Head - Education, Training and Assessment
  • Navin Shankar Patel - AVP - Senior Business Manager – Learning
  • Padmanabhan A - AVP - Senior Business Manager – Learning
  • Venkateshprasanna Manjunath - Business Manager – Learning

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