Key offerings of the Infosys Live Enterprise Suite include:

Reimagining experience

  • Employee productivity
    Enables employees, customers and partners to interact seamlessly in an ‘always available, accessible anywhere’ mode, made easy through APIs and enabled by mobile, web and always connected devices. Live data from data pods and graphs are used to create seamless user journeys. This means employees can focus more on personal productivity. This ensures organizations are able to deliver the experience that employees expect.
    All of this is possible with applications like:
    Onboarding Platform: A one-stop self-help app that guides new hires from the pre-joining stage until after they onboard, thus enabling a smooth onboarding experience. It provides details on essential onboarding formalities, helps with documentation and other relevant information needed by new employees to help settle into the organization.
    Employee Productivity Platform: Plays a key role in enhancing employee experience by ensuring all key transactions with the organization including latest happenings, attendance related transactions, travel, claims, IT helpdesk, notifications, personal information related to salary, emergency contact, performance reviews, etc., are easily accessible. It contributes to improving personal productivity, by providing access to all relevant information depending on an employee’s role and nature of work. Insights on work, account 360, talent pool, skillsets and more is made available to employees on-the-go, providing them with the best experience and helping them realize their full potential.
  • Experience configurator
    The experience configuration kit reimagines user experience by ‘codifying the user state of mind’. This feature takes cognizance of real human behavior at the workplace. It formalizes the way people interact with user interfaces. Different users have different motivations in their day to day roles and therefore exhibit inherently different behaviors, which in turn influences their decision making and their expectation. The configurator captures this information using telemetry and uses it to personalize and contextualize the user experience. With Live Enterprise, user architypes are built-in, and the front-end experience is optimized based on parameters like the user’s desire for belonging, mastery or security at work. It constantly works behind the scenes to make the experience friendly.

Reimagining business processes

  • Sentient process
    Apply sentient principles to optimize processes by reducing latency and distance, facilitating instant simulation and providing guided practice. Feedback is collected from focused user group discussions about the processes they most frequently use. Design thinking workshops are then convened across the enterprise to curate ideas for improving the efficiency and experience of these processes. Best of the ideas are shared with the process owners who then pick the ones that best fit their objectives and go on to build implementation plans for creating optimized processes.
  • Infosys Microservices Acceleration (MSA) Platform
    A pre-integrated platform of various upstream open source projects which together provides an integrated view of a microservices development and deployment landscape. It provides a set of independent frameworks to jump start an MSA development. An integrated CI/CD tooling with source-to-image plugins helps automate development to deployment lifecycle within the platform. The pluggable platform facilitates easy replacement of technology choices.
    The platform is useful in the following ways:
    • Helps development teams understand the essential components of an MSA platform and how they come together to deliver its promises
    • Provides a reference point on technology options that clients can evaluate to suit their specific needs
    • Reduces lead time on project kick-offs; accelerates setting up of an MSA landscape
    • Offers readymade frameworks that address common MSA patterns

Artificial intelligence services

  • Infosys Digital Brain Solution
    Enterprises generate and store large amount of data. Digital is the intelligence, using machine learning and automated reasoning that captures and analyzes this data to aid users in their work through nudging and feedback. It helps them continuously learn and behave smartly with various entities of the live enterprise whether real i.e. humans (employees, partners, customers, contractors, etc.) or virtual (organization, delivery units etc.).
    The digital brain orchestrates intelligent responses to direct signals (from explicit events), as well as proactively incite action from an indirect signal (signal detected through an independent agent).
    It comprises of the below key components:
    • Core cognitive services to build and apply intelligence
    • Agent framework to intercept signals from independent AI/ML agents
    • Intelligence store to provide continuous insights (both transient and long term)
    • Enterprise knowledge graph that captures all insights, not just from transactions but also from mapping complex interactions between employees, networks and devices in the organization
    The digital brain creates the following possibilities in a live enterprise:
    • Data is no longer a static entity but becomes the source for insights with the help of core cognitive services and serve the business in planning for the future
    • An evolved cognitive layer that can create digitized personas i.e. customers can be served through bots similar to the services provided by a sales professional
    • Push intelligence to the edge and proactively incite the decision maker to take action
    • Bring sentience into a digital organization
  • Infosys Knowledge Graph
    An enterprise wide knowledge graph that links all information not just from transactions but also from mapping complex interactions between employees, networks and devices in the organization in the near-real time. The graph brings contextualization to help prioritize and display relevant information to users and drives intelligence through the digital brain.
  • Conversational AI
    Intelligent chatbot-driven offerings to streamline and accelerate query and issue resolution for enterprises, delivering a comprehensive chatbot experience
  • Text and Video Analytics

Digital infrastructure

  • Infosys Polycloud Platform
    Being competitive in the digital world demands best of the breed technology ecosystem along with cloud native architecture. With cloud service providers offering multiple solutions, selecting the right cloud partner(s) and associated services is complex. Enterprises need to remain agile and effectively optimize operations with reduced costs. Infosys Polycloud Platform enables enterprises to build vendor agnostic solutions across cloud providers without worrying about multitude of catalogues.
    This platform is built on 4 pillars:
    • Customer and workload centricity: The platform provides a dynamic Decision Support Framework enabling enterprises to pick the right set of services from the right cloud vendor(s) as per their business requirements. This helps in hedging dependency on any particular cloud vendor.
    • Smart brokerage: Business requirements are constantly changing and through smart brokerage, Infosys offers best-negotiated prices to our customers, picking relevant services from either one or more of the cloud service providers on an ongoing basis. Enterprises are not bound to a particular cloud service vendor or pricing.
    • Developer empowerment: The platform empowers full stack developers by providing self-service models for provisioning, deployment and operation of services. Enterprises are provided with an intuitive portal to provision the services and avail the 360-degree dashboard to monitor the end to end service operations. This enables enterprises to keep a check on widespread outage or any security vulnerability.
    • Governance: The platform has an embedded governance framework ensuring:
        Security compliance to avoid security threat or flouting of security related requirement
      • Financial governance to make sure operations do not exceed the allocated budgets
      • Technical governance to ensure that the right set of services are consumed by the authorized users
  • Infosys DevOps Platform
    Infosys DevOps Platform is a centralized, web-based platform for continuous integration (CI), continuous delivery (CD), and continuous testing (CT) helping clients:
    • Jump start and accelerate with pre-built pipelines
    • Leverage standard open-source technology and practices
    • Be enterprise ready by deploying at scale through a self-service model
    • Maintain a comprehensive life cycle with a unified DevOps dashboard supporting CI-CD-CT
    Infosys DevOps Platform integrates with over 60 standard tools across the software life cycle, supports more than 20 technologies and enables persona-based metrics dashboards for all stakeholders. It is available on cloud as well as on premise for every step in the DevOps pipeline.
    The platform is useful in the following ways:
    • Can be hosted on cloud or on-premise
    • Provides a unified DevOps dashboard for teams to integrate easily with their DevOps toolkits, track progress, and view execution status continuously across the delivery pipeline
    • Enables infrastructure as code
    • Provides intuitive user interface
    • Integrates with Infosys Nia AI platform or pre-existing AI platform
    • Encourages DevOps culture
  • Telemetry
  • Infosys Live Enterprise Management Platform

    We all operate in an increasingly complex world disrupted by new digital technologies. The landscape, which is emerging as a result, allows opportunities and threats to come from unexpected places. The challenge is to be able to sense these, then respond quickly, frequently and almost instinctively, like living creatures do. Being this agile, responsive being at enterprise scale is the vision driving the Live Enterprise – the organization that’s always ready for what's next. There is a need to reimagine IT Management Services strategy to create an enterprise IT and Application landscape that supports the realization of this Live Enterprise vision.

    One of the biggest hurdle enterprises face in implementing their digital transformation initiatives is lack of agility in their IT landscape because of siloes across the IT stack and across the multitude of IT management tools making the IT landscape extremely complex for any transformation So, what is the way out?

    Infosys believes that organizations need to take an agile, intelligent, automated and business outcome driven, integrated platform centric view that fosters end to end enterprise management services, across the entire IT management stack. This unlocks a whole gamut of synergies for the enterprise and transforms the enterprise management services to be pivoted on business KPI driven services, as against traditional IT SLA governed services. We make this possible for our clients with the Infosys Live Enterprise Management Platform.

    A key offering of the Infosys Live Enterprise Suite, Infosys Live Enterprise Management Platform is a comprehensive solution enabling enterprises continually sense, analyze, decide act and learn from the data generated by the management services across business process, application and infrastructure layers. This has been made possible by bringing the power of three key solutions, into one platform:

    • Infosys Live Enterprise Business Process Management Platform
    • Infosys Live Enterprise Application Management Platform
    • Infosys Live Enterprise Infrastructure Management Platform

    Opensource, vendor agnostic in nature, Infosys Live Enterprise Management Platform addresses all life cycle stages of an IT management program from transition, to steady state, to transformation. This not only accelerates our customer’s journey to being agile, but also brings in the next wave of innovation in business process, application and infrastructure maintenance through Agile Digital transformation.

    This further improves alignment to business outcomes, expedites onboarding to cloud and other digital programs, as well as provides cost benefits from extreme orchestration and automation.

Smart workplace

  • Infosys Smart Buildings and Spaces
    Infosys Smart Buildings and Spaces offering provides application solutions to enterprises to integrate the physical and the digital divide through various digital technology interventions based on the proven Infosys SCALE framework. Infosys SCALE (Sustainable, Connected, Affordable, Learning Systems and Experiential) framework brings a structured way of assessing, implementing and operating smart spaces:
    • Sustainable – Driving resource optimization, reuse and conversation across spaces like energy, water, waste and renewable energy source that result in reduced consumption of resources per capita of employee.
    • Connected – Driving real-time visibility through connected processes, people and infrastructure resulting in increased team collaboration and real-time information on assets. We measure number of employee touch points and the number of activities that can be done on a mobile app.
    • Affordable – Offering a value realization framework that drives superior stakeholder experience, reduces both carbon footprint and cost of operation besides improving employee experience and occupancy. We measure decrease in employee attrition, complaints and increase in productivity and efficiency.
    • Learning Systems – Creating systems that focus on learning based on usage patterns, stakeholder preferences and incremental cost thresholds. AI/ML and other techniques are used to ensure optimal usage of resources and personalized delivery.
    • Experiential – A Smart Space solution that ensures great user experience while assisting the user to be at his most-effective in a given environment.

Smart workforce

  • Infosys Wingspan: A next-gen learning solution that supports continuous learning and helps organizations accelerate their talent transformation journey in a digital environment. It enables organizations to ready their existing talent for future needs. Based on open source technologies, Infosys Wingspan is a cloud-first and mobile-first solution that is designed to be accessible anytime, anywhere and on any device. It is built to facilitate a culture of learning and collaboration amongst employees as well as provide strategic insights to the leaders to track talent productivity. With an ever-evolving range of curated content, it facilitates learning based on interest, skillset and function or role through a combination of instructor-led, assisted learning and self-learning sessions.

Fluid operating models

  • Digital operating model:
    Putting together people, processes and tools is critical for enabling successful execution and sustainability of results and our clients count on this operating model to handle the complexities of digital transformation. The accelerators of our model bring the advantages of:
    • Design to their digital solutions
    • Proximity to crunch time and space between problem finding and solution building
    • Agile adoption at enterprise scale
    • Automated processes to operate at speed
    • Continuous learning

Driving change in culture

  • Micro change management
    As companies undergo a digital transformation, they need to ensure that the organization and the people
    • To become more agile
    • To develop a digital first mindset
    • To adopt the new dominant paradigm of cloud & AI
    • To retrain and reskill their employees
    Each of this change could be a very disruptive change either by itself or in combination. Hence, it is important that change management that accompanies this transformation is well tied-in into the whole approach right from the onset and at every step of the journey. This is where the philosophy of micro change comes into the picture with the company beginning to transform itself one micro step at a time (keeping in with the agile mindset) and change management occurs along with each micro step.
    The three tenets of the micro change approach are:
    • Sigma of micro changes: Micro Change interventions are carried out to accompany through agile sprints, so that change occurs one micro step at a time, along with the agile build. The Sigma of micro changes help in bringing about the larger change during the transformation
    • Routine +1: The change interventions are instituted bottom up in micro change, aided by changing routines in the current process (routine +1) and by providing the right cues, nudges, rewards and recognition. This does not mean the traditional top down OCM is not required – it is required initially along with the need for micro changes in a sustained manner, especially post the launch of the change
    • Behavioral change: The cues and rewards which aid in bottom up change management, lead to the ultimate behavioral shift, the desired outcomes, and achievement of the vision, for the digital transformation via goals and KPIs.
    The most significant aspect of the micro change management approach is the underlying KPI data and analytics powered insights which drive the change interventions at each micro step. The insights allow making rapid iterations and corrections, sprint after sprint, so that by the end of the transformation, we would have guided each micro step to achieve the grand vision – Micro is the new Mega!