Employee healthcare coverage continues to remain as a top operating expense—typically the 2nd or 3rd largest line item after salary. Yet, a lack of visibility and data insights into the health plan renewal process makes it extremely difficult, even impossible, for the self-funded and fully-insured groups to get answers on core processes like the open enrollment process!!!

Enrollment Journey Tracker on the Infosys Infosys Payer B2B platform provides for view of the Enrollment and current status of employee enrollment in real time. The benefit director can see a real – time view of enrolled employees, unsubmitted, opted out, premium contribution $$$ as well as employees with enrollment issues.

Key Challenges

  • Low visibility on the employee enrollment process or status
  • Lack of detailed insights about enrollment issues, unsubmitted employees and opt-out cases

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The Solution

Real-time Tracking & Health Plan Connectivity

  • Real time process view
    Infosys Payer B2B platform provides a real-time view of the enrollment process through the entire open enrollment period.
  • Drill downs on enrollment issues
    Infosys Payer B2B platform provides for real time drill downs on key buckets like enrollment issues, unsubmitted employees and opt-out cases.
  • Real time health plan connectivity
    Infosys Payer B2B platform provides for a real time connectivity with the health plan to be able to communicate when there is a concern on a particular individual OR when there is a spike in the numbers on any of the key enrollment statistics.

Transparency in enrollment process

  • Provide transparency to plan sponsor benefit directors on progress of the enrollment process


Visibility into Health plan renewal process and open enrollment process.

Visibility into Health plan renewal process and open enrollment process.

Getting insights on enrolled employees through enrollment Journey tracker in real time.

Getting insights on enrolled employees through enrollment Journey tracker in real time.

Providing real time connectivity

Providing real time connectivity