
Infosys Research: The Technology Skills Gap is Hindering Enterprise Generative AI Adoption and Advancement

Infosys has released its new report, The Future of Technology Skills, which uncovers the biggest trends and priorities that will drive the workplace in 2024 and beyond. The report revealed nearly three-quarters (71%) of executives admitted to worrying that the pace of technology change exceeds their organization’s ability to learn how to incorporate it into its operations.

Infosys surveyed more than 1,000 U.S. senior executives to provide insight into what drives technology talent priorities and the skills today’s workforce must have to meet the pace of change. The report underscores that the companies that embrace this new landscape, upskill employees and effectively leverage emerging technologies will gain a competitive advantage.

The report identified five key findings:

  • The pace of change exceeds workforce readiness. Nearly three-quarters (71%) of respondents admitted to worrying that the pace of technology change exceeds their organization’s ability to learn how to incorporate it into operations.
  • Many organizations are facing a skills “deficit” when it comes to key technologies. Respondents showed an 8 percentage-point gap between how important advanced statistical analysis is considered and the current skill level of the workforce, and a 6 percentage-point gap for machine/deep learning.
  • Executives believe they can gain a competitive advantage if they work to close the skills gap. Lack of internal technical skills was cited as the top challenge holding businesses back from making more effective use of emerging technologies. To close these gaps, businesses are increasing budgets for employee upskilling.
  • Businesses are increasing spending on general and generative AI, cloud computing and cybersecurity. This highlights an ongoing challenge, as it requires increasing budgets for both critical infrastructure and more speculative emerging technologies. Generative AI is seen as beneficial for productivity and forecasting. However, few companies have yet integrated the technology into their workflows and processes.
  • Emerging technologies are playing a major role in long-term strategic planning. Virtually all respondents (99%) said emerging tech will have a role in their organization’s strategic planning.

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