Date February 25 - 27, 2019

Venue Radisson Blu Hotel, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Event overview

RPA (Robotic Process Automation) is rapidly being adopted by firms and some of the early adopters are already seeing tangible benefits on their investments. While RPA implementation promises immense business value, without the right understanding and approach, enterprises often fail to reap the full benefits.

The Practical RPA and AI Implementation conference takes a pragmatic approach towards successful RPA implementation by combining cognitive technologies with traditional RPA.

Join Infosys as we take you through a client journey successfully scaling AI adoption through a 40 minute session on 26th Feb., 2019. Also drop in at our booth across the three days to learn how we can help you through your AI & Automation journey.


Session details


26th Feb, 2019


11:40 a.m.


Driving Intelligent Automation Adoption at Scale

Scaling AI driven automation adoption is one of the key challenges enterprises are facing today. Join Infosys for this session to learn:

  • Why and what is holding enterprises back
  • What should be the right approach to do so
  • How with the right skills and expertise, can enterprises address this to derive true value from intelligent automation

John Gikopoulos, Global head AI and Automation Practice, Infosys

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