Technology-led innovation continues to dominate the narrative around progress. The evolution of enterprise in response to new technologies is gathering greater momentum than ever, with banks, insurers and other financial services firms harnessing exciting new digital innovations to improve efficiency and better service their clients. However, the use of these technologies comes with a price: generating risk at multiple levels, not excluding the risk of acute digital skills shortage at all levels, which will require an adapted response. Our delegation at the Milken Global Conference 2019 is looking to confer with leaders of enterprise to help chart paths to navigate this disruption, and create prosperity that can indeed be shared by all.
Jobs of the future, inclusive health and education - @imravikumars elaborates on hot topics discussed at #MIGlobal this week. @MilkenInstitute
נInfosys USA (@InfosysUSA) April 30, 2019
Watch @joshimohit_ygl share his thoughts on 3 key things that are shaping financial services today. #MIGlobal @MilkenInstitute
נInfosys USA (@InfosysUSA) May 1, 2019
Wrapping up day 2 at #MIGlobal with a conversation between @joshimohit_ygl and Donald Lacey, Managing Director and COO @pingan_group.
נInfosys USA (@InfosysUSA) May 1, 2019
Ԕhe virtue of lifelong learning is the most important attribute of the digital economy,Ԡ@imravikumars. #MIGlobal
נInfosys USA (@InfosysUSA) May 1, 2019
ԇovernments, academia and businesses need to come together to serve the citizens at different stages of their lives and pivot from training for jobs to skills building,Ԡ@imravikumars. #reskilling #MIGlobal
נInfosys USA (@InfosysUSA) May 1, 2019
ԉn order for India to continue to maintain its current growth rate or even surpass it, it must tackle the unemployment problem and ensure that people who become of working age each year achieve gainful employment,Ԡ@imravikumars. #MIGlobal
נInfosys USA (@InfosysUSA) May 1, 2019
At #MIGlobal, @Microsoft, @infosys, @douglasmerritt, Chris Liddell, @JWhitehurst, and @richkarlgaard will discuss the impact of #technology on jobs and how to ensure the workforce is prepared for the future. See the agenda:
נMilken Institute (@MilkenInstitute) April 25, 2019
Watch @JWhitehurst, CEO @RedHat and @imravikumars in conversation at #MIGlobal in Los Angeles, talking about #opensource.
נInfosys (@Infosys) May 1, 2019
Kicking off the Ԇinding Opportunities in Indiaӳ Next ChapterԠpanel discussion at #MIGlobal with @imravikumars. @MilkenInstitute
נInfosys USA (@InfosysUSA) May 1, 2019
.@joshimohit_ygl, President at Infosys, shares his key takeaways from #MIGlobal in Los Angeles. @MilkenInstitute
נInfosys USA (@InfosysUSA) April 30, 2019
It was an honor to host Mike Milken, Philanthropist, Founder and Chairman of @MilkenInstitute at the Infosys dinner at #MIGlobal tonight.
נInfosys USA (@InfosysUSA) April 30, 2019
ԁt Infosys, we used the culture of education and we built an infrastructure where we hire a local talent pool and train them for the jobs of the future,Ԡsaid @imravikumars at #MIGlobal.
נInfosys USA (@InfosysUSA) April 29, 2019
#WorkingNationOverheard "Only 30% of schools in the US have computer science as a foundational course. We think it should be 100%." @imravikumars President @infosys at #MIGlobal @MilkenInstitute @WorkingNation @RamonaWritesLA @theresa_c #futureofwork
נWorkingNation (@WorkingNation) April 30, 2019
ԁt an enterprise level, it is our responsibility to foster a culture of lifelong learning within our organizations and transition away from models of linear education,Ԡ@imravikumars. #MIGlobal @MilkenInstitute
נInfosys USA (@InfosysUSA) April 29, 2019
..."without the right digital skills and a facilitative environment, no digital transformation, however well provisioned or executed, has a chance of succeeding," writes @imravikumars of @infosys. See his article for #MIGlobal on LinkedIn:
נMilken Institute (@MilkenInstitute) April 27, 2019
.@douglasmerritt, CEO @splunk stopped by the Infosys lounge at #MIGlobal to sit down for a chat with @imravikumars. Watch the conversation here: @MilkenInstitute
נInfosys USA (@InfosysUSA) April 30, 2019
The theme of #MIGlobal 2019 is "Driving Shared Prosperity." We look forward to get together with leaders April 28 - May 1 to discuss jobs of the future and how Asia leads on #FinTech. @imravikumars @joshimohit_ygl @MilkenInstitute
נInfosys USA (@InfosysUSA) April 25, 2019
Great discussion on Asia and FinTech. So much going on in China, India, and Southeast Asia.
נUnconventional Ventures (@UnconventionVc) May 1, 2019
Look to the East for innovation indeed#MIGlobal @MilkenInstitute #FinTech #innovation @FinastraFS @pingan_group @CreditEaseCorp @Infosys
CEOs driving the AI and data revolution from @Microsoft, @Infosys, @Splunk, and @RedHat will discuss the preparedness of the workforce in the age of digital transformation at #MIGlobal.
נMilken Institute (@MilkenInstitute) April 27, 2019
A great panel at #MIGlobal on Ԇinding Opportunities in Indiaӳ Next ChapterԠw ?@USIBC? members ?@Infosys? and ?@TataCompanies? ?@DrSJaishankar?.
נNisha Biswal (@NishaBiswal) May 1, 2019
.@iamravikumars at @infosys is leading the companyӳ digital transformation. That includes preparing the workforce for changing job skills. #MIGlobal #workforcetransformation #WorkingNationOverheard
נRamona Schindelheim (@RamonaWritesLA) April 29, 2019
ԍore than 50% of the early career engineers we hire @Infosys are #women. WeӲe creating a whole new ecosystem of talent, and a whole new way of working.ԠMohit Joshi, President @Infosys #MIGlobal #India
נHeather Rim (@heatherrim) May 1, 2018
Ԕhe digital economy at scale will employ humans + gigs + machines. While it is true that automation is making some tasks redundant, in the future we envision humans working in new ways alongside machines,Ԡ@imravikumars at #MIglobal.
נInfosys USA (@InfosysUSA) April 29, 2019
The #fintech momentum has shifted to Asia. @joshimohit_ygl of @InfosysUSA gives us the lay of the Asian Fintech land in his LinkedIn article for #MIGlobal:
נMilken Institute (@MilkenInstitute) April 28, 2019