
Enterprises today, amid worrying about staying ahead of the competition and identifying the next success formula, are also constantly concerned about preventing security incidents in an expanding threat landscape. The challenge of cyber security has long since moved beyond monitoring infrastructure, networks, firewalls, and IT assets to protection of the entire value chain – systems, applications, user software, developer software, and data.

Digital transformation is also contributing to the risks enterprises face. Using APIs to expose legacy landscapes to new platform-based components inadvertently intensifies cyber security risks. Hackers also continue to innovate, creating new malice every day.

Enterprises, while aware of the risks, usually try to bolt on point solutions, rather than adopting a more comprehensive approach. The result is a patchwork of solutions that not only don’t work well together, but are inadequate to protect against evolving threats with thousands of entry points, including those created by mobile phones and Internet of Things-enabled (IoT) devices.

With enterprises still taking an offensive, rather than defensive stance, for protecting their assets, the need of the hour is flexible and adaptive security solutions, delivered in an integrated package. Delivered on an ‘as-a-service’ model, these will remove the huge operational and cost overheads associated with a patchwork solution while also allowing to plan for anticipatory protection.


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