Cyber Security

New Cyber Security for the New Digital Enterprise

Today’s enterprise is no longer bounded by four walls. In some domains, regulations are forcing organizations to become open, and share customer and transaction data with authorized third parties. Even IT infrastructure is exiting official premises to migrate to the cloud. The workforce has become highly distributed, as employees clock in at client sites, in the field, on the road, or from the comfort of their homes. The organization is no more a stand-alone entity, but rather, a part of a vast ecosystem and the Internet of Things, with myriad connections to their other parts. This open, connected, distributed organization lives on data, which like itself, exists more outside company walls than within.

Imagine the challenge of securing such an enterprise, where the mandate for cyber security extends well beyond monitoring infrastructure, networks, and IT assets to include defending the entire value chain of systems, applications, user and developer software, and data regardless of location and ownership. If that weren’t bad enough, there has been a steady rise in the range, frequency, ingenuity and audacity of attack. Constantly on the defensive, most organizations are managing security reactively, often doing too little too late. Their typical response is to keep adding point solution after point solution that neither work together nor offer adequate protection to a surface that is vulnerable to attack in a thousand or more places.

The need of the hour is a strong security setup of adaptive, flexible, AI-enabled and integrated security solutions, robust policies, sound implementation, good governance and an experienced team to oversee it all.

This is what we offer our clients.

Our core proposition is to help enterprises consume an integrated package of security solutions “as-a-service” so they can not only achieve rapid remediation, but also put anticipatory defenses in place. What’s more, this consumption model eliminates the huge operational and cost overheads that were going into managing a snarl of point security solutions. Freed of that, security leaders can focus on moving the organization’s digital agenda forward. Here, they are ably supported by the Infosys Cyber Security Platform , a platform with AI-driven automation at its core that eases an enterprise’s transition from fragmented, reactive security to a managed security services model guided by a customized roadmap. A beverage manufacturer is using the Infosys Cyber Security Platform to bring together an optimized tool suite, and leverage its predictive capabilities to defend against advanced threats. The platform also provides 24x7 security monitoring, and identity and access management services for the company’s more than 40,000 users and 500 odd applications.

A network of Security Operations Centers (SOCs), is already operational in Bangalore, Hyderabad and Pune in India and in Indianapolis and Raleigh in the US. In addition, several client premises add further value by bringing together best-in-class skills, an up to date solutions suite, and managed services for security operations that are delivered round-the-clock through a network of interconnected, global facilities. That’s not all. The Infosys Security R&D Labs produces a number of cyber security innovations that clients can leverage to strengthen their threat hunting abilities. All of these demonstrate our commitment to continuously improving our core services portfolio, creating solutions to combat new threats as they arise, and working with our innovation ecosystem to build solutions that produce great value for clients.

Behind it all is our team of dedicated employees with extensive experience and skills. Besides implementing security, they contribute by anticipating new areas of vulnerability, discovering new problems and creating innovative solution combinations. Infosys makes sure that the security team’s skills are continuously updated by entering into strong partnerships with well-known academic institutions.