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There is treasure in trash: These people found it

There is treasure in trash: These people found it

When a group of colleagues at Infosys got together not only did they come up with beautiful objects, but they found things in the midst of trash and converted them to objects of use and enjoyment. Watch the story to know what they did, how they did it, and what inspired them to take up the challenge with a drive towards a sustainable world.

“If you have the right pair of eyes, you can identify the beauty in garbage as well,” says Agniva.

“I believe it’s the perspective that matters,” she says.

Agniva is a lover of books, and she took it up as a fun challenge and aligned with the idea of making a bookshelf instantly. She also made lanterns out of discarded oil tin cans.

The challenge – designing and converting things that have been discarded and giving them a second lease of life. Not only Agniva, but her colleagues also zealously became a part of this activity. An activity that started off as a challenge quickly turned into a fun team exercise for everyone.

Fig1: Lamps made from oil tin cans

Waste, or trash, is a challenge that is intensifying every passing year. It is estimated that every year 11.2 billion tons of solid waste are collected worldwide, according to United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). And less than 20% of that waste is recycled each year.

This initiative named #InfyTrash2Treasure led to these enlightened individuals to find an opportunity where they headed straight to the scrap yard, assessed what was around, and huddled to create some very interesting objects of recreation, and for regular use.

Agniva’s love for books is echoed by Manjusha, who created a coffee table with a book shelf, and two seats by using discarded golfcart wheels.

There are two big things that you get from doing something like this. Firstly, you increase the life of something that was being thrown away, and secondly, making something with your own hands is a rewarding feeling. Manjusha Maker of a coffee table and seats
Fig2: Coffee table and seats

What started off as a challenge ended up becoming a stellar example of collaborating as a team – thinking and working together.

Fig3: Xylophone
Fig4: Chairs
Fig5: Laptop stand

We have been taking everything from the earth, and we think we’re creating a beautiful space. But we’re actually moving into the space meant for other creatures. So, since we’re taking their space, it is our duty to do something for them. Swathi Maker of bird houses
Fig6: Bird House
#InfyTrash2Treasure - Bird House from discarded wood
In my life this environment has given me so many things. Now I am giving something for the environment in the form of a mobile garden. Srikanth Maker of mobile garden
Fig6: Bird House
We created dustbin covers with hands and empty pots and plates on dustbin covers. Basically we are saying there are a lot of people dying from hunger, and with this we can make people aware about food wastage. If people can see these displayed and it can change their minds that would be really impactful. Rajesh Maker of trash bin covers

#InfyTrash2Treasure - Dustbin cover from discarded plywood
Fig8: Trash bin cover

“You should reduce and reuse and check the rampant consumerism that’s going on. So, instead of going out and buying new things we can make use of what we already have,” says Manjusha.

As more and more people like Manjusha and her colleagues realise the value of extending the life of things they use, and how everyone can all play a role in making this a better world – not only for ourselves, but for the future generations, the way forward is only inspiring a better world where we focus on preserving our planet.

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