
Leading North American Airline deploys a personalized touchless customer-centric baggage management solution – Read exclusive case study by HFS

- Reduce mishandled baggage by 25%

Today, passengers increasingly expect a touchless, personalized experience from airlines. This is leading the industry to adopt interactive, real-time technologies, and incisive analytics. A true competitive differentiator, however, can come if an airline is able to predict customer events rather than just react when they happen. One area in which airlines can do this is baggage management.

Download this HFS case study on how a leading North American airline partnered with Infosys to reimagine its baggage handling application.

Authored by Melissa O’Brien, Research Vice President, HFS, wherein she unpacks why a Digital OneOffice™ approach is critical to touchless personalized customer experience.

The case study is about an airline which handles 6,000 flights a day and over 100 million passengers per year. Handling the baggage of this large a volume of passengers is a business-critical task with a host of inherent challenges.

To know how the airline navigated towards a technology-driven baggage handling process, download this point of view and learn,

  1. How the airline embarked on application development to modernize its baggage handling
  2. How they created a central data repository to smoothen baggage handling
  3. The new system proactively notifies both the airline and the passenger in the case of mishandled baggage and executes a plan to reunite the passenger with the baggage

The new baggage handling system led to a 25% decline in mishandled baggage.

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