
The Infosys Information Services and Publishing practice partners with print and digital journal publishers to streamline the content pipeline and implement content-oriented processes. We automate content creation, promotion, discovery, and distribution to transform your research journal into a trusted source of information.

We help publishers of academic and professional research journals cultivate long-term partnerships with authors, researchers and the audience. We reengineer processes to streamline solicitation, submission, editing, peer review, and publishing of articles. Our cloud-hosted repositories enable safe storage of voluminous content.

Our content solutions use natural language processing to facilitate search and discovery of research content. We implement tracking tools to help authors, reviewers and editorial teams view the status of submitted articles. We combine proprietary platforms and Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to perform Create-Retrieve-Update-Delete (CRUD) operations and deliver content via smart devices. Our database migration services span SGML, PDF and XML formats.

Our automation tools boost productivity of your content team.

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Infosys content management services for journals

Infosys content management services for journals

Challenges & Solutions

Multi‐disciplinary team with experience across the publishing cycle of academic and professional journals.

Rich experience in using visualization technologies to enhance research content.

Expertise in process harmonization for excellence in content creation, storage and retrieval Advanced semantic search, text mining and analytical tools establish linkages to accelerate content discovery.