A global mining company was challenged by disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic with risk of community spread, and prevent slowdown/shutdown of operations at their mining sites even when mining personnel are diagnosed positive.

The mining company had an imperative: being an essential service, ensure business-as-usual at its mines, mills, and smelters during the public health crisis. The company had to prevent virus transmission as well as disruption caused by ailing personnel unable to report to work. Infosys developed a mobile app to screen mine workers, identify and segregate those with symptoms, and report findings to management for medical treatment and contingency planning.

Watch how a global mining enterprise navigates disruption during the COVID-19 pandemic with a mobile app to screen personnel

Mobile app screens thousands of mining workers during COVID-19. Enhances safety  

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Key Challenges

  • Provide a safe working environment by identifying personnel with COVID-19 symptoms across mining sites and avoid community spread
  • Segregate patients and ensure immediate medical treatment offline
  • Offer real-time visibility of number of mine workers and visitors with symptoms for proactive planning and reallocation of workers

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The Solution

Mobile app screens mining personnel to identify COVID-19 suspected positive cases, avoid community spread, and prevent disruption to operations

Infosys developed a mobile app for supervisors at mining sites in Canada. The supervisor queries employees about their health and enters responses. The app informs the supervisor to allow or forbid access to employees at the mine based on World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines.

The app captures the health status of each employee and pushes it to the cloud. Managers access a dashboard view of the number of mine workers and visitors with COVID-19 symptoms across mining locations. Real-time visibility into the health condition of workers enables managers to reallocate workers using Power BI reports for uninterrupted operations.

Infosys used the Ionic framework to develop the mobile app. Our team hosted the app on Microsoft Azure and leveraged SQL and Power BI reports.

The multilingual app offers flexibility to add innumerable mining locations for screening, modify queries about a worker’s health based on the latest WHO guidelines, and scale up to screen 100,000 workers every week.

Intuitive 3-screen navigation provides instant result of a worker’s health status

  • The app can be used in offline mode at remote locations
  • The app allows addition of any number of screening stations, and modification of queries based on updated WHO guidelines
  • Multilingual app rolled out across mining sites in Canada and global rollout is around the corner


Dashboard view of affected workers across mining sites enables efficient planning of shifts/operations

Scalable mobile app has the capability to screen 100,000 mining personnel every week