Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. (AMD) manufactures microprocessors, chipsets, embedded processors, and graphics processing units for computing devices, including gaming consoles, mobile devices and super computers.
AMD wanted to automate the workflow for invoice processing to –
enhance the experience of the accounts payable team, the executives approving invoices, and global suppliers
enable approval of invoices via mobile devices
avoid delay in invoice approval through a reminder mechanism
time reduction invoice approval time
Frees up ~ 5,000 person hours every year
Saves approximately US$ 250,000 annually
We deployed the Infosys NIA automation platform to optimize the invoice approval process at AMD. Our Artificial Intelligence (AI) solution boosted every key performance metric – speed, efficiency, accuracy, and productivity. Significantly, automation minimized AP overheads by several thousand dollars.
Our sophisticated system eliminated the need for network connectivity to AMD’s SAP enterprise network. Our solution accelerates the turnaround time for approval of invoices, which helps AMD process a huge volume of invoices effortlessly. In addition, an automated notification system ensures timely release of payments to suppliers.
Automated workflow
We configured the workflow for prompt routing of invoices and automatic generation of email alerts to person(s) responsible for approving invoices. When an invoice is received, the AMD SAP FICO enterprise system triggers an email to the approver, based on pre-defined date range and approval limits. The response (approval / rejection) and the email id of the respondent is automatically routed to an Infosys NIA shared mailbox. An ‘intelligent’ robot in the Infosys NIA system extracts and analyzes data in the invoice mail box at intervals of five minutes. It ‘reads’ messages and captures relevant information such as the email id, workflow details, invoice number, action, and comments.
Infosys NIA validates the user id and workflow-user mapping. Subsequently, it updates the invoice status as approved or rejected in the SAP system. Infosys NIA then receives a success / failure reply from the SAP Remote Function Call (RFC) interface system and transmits a confirmation email of the action (invoice approved / rejected) to the approver. Finally, Infosys NIA moves the approval mail from the inbox to the archive folder in the NIA mail box.
On-the-go access
The AMD team is empowered to approve invoices using mobile devices. Business users need not log into the SAP portal or connect to the enterprise VPN network for accessing and approving invoices. A soft copy of the invoice is made available in the notification email, which ensures instant access to relevant data for informed decision making. The system also sends a periodical reminder email to approvers for each pending invoice.
The Infosys AI solution boosts productivity by aggregating data and eliminating the need to navigate between screens to extract information for taking appropriate action. In addition, our solution offers a consistent experience to AMD’s AP team and executives, across mobile devices.
Agile development
Infosys adopted the agile methodology to maximize value of the AI solution. Our approach enabled both our IT teams and AMD’s stakeholders to refine business requirements, identify process / workflow improvements, and assimilate feedback from users.
During the pilot, the solution was rolled out to a small group from the AP team who approved invoices. It helped the Infosys team identify issues in real time and fix them by either improving the functionality or adding new features. We undertook concurrent development and testing until all business requirements were addressed and the solution reached a stable state. Consequently, it was rolled out to global users.
Press Release
Infosys Recognized as a Microsoft Azure Expert Managed Services Provider
Infosys partners with Microsoft to establish a global Azure Migration Factory.
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