An electric and gas utility in central America serving 2.4 million electricity customers and 900,000 natural gas customers sought a scalable solution leveraging mobile technology to manage operations while integrating disparate systems.

Key Challenges

  • Multiple work processes required human intervention resulting in sub-par productivity
  • Disparate systems prevented a consolidated view of asset performance

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The Solution

Strategic workforce management and scheduling solution enhances productivity of the field force

Infosys automated workforce management at the utility by aligning work and asset management processes, retiring legacy applications, and implementing a centralized solution.

Our team integrated ClickSoftware’s Click Field Service Edge (CFSE) with the ARCOS resource management solution for crew management, undertook integration with IBM Maximo, CSS and outage management system, and managed 100+ integrations with legacy systems, ERP, and mobile for a seamless field force user experience.

Our solution empowers the field force with timely and accurate information about issues experienced by customers and visibility into field visits in the pipeline. The new system integrates several systems for superior flow of data and information.

The new system provides a dashboard view with customized out-of-the-box reports offering real-time status of utilization, capacity, and customer locations requiring work.

Automated workforce management and scheduling with Click Field Service Edge

  • Timesheet app automated capturing field force information
  • Automated data capturing of substation orders in the Field Service Edge mobile app



Established a standardized work management process across electric, gas, distribution and transmission

Improved field workforce efficiency by 10%