In this podcast series with COSN (Consortium for School Networking) speakers
highlight how cybersecurity risks have changed the landscape of K12.

Episode 1

In an ever-growing connected world, cybersecurity is a growing issue that often gets overlooked. In this episode, speakers highlight, how from financial risks to personal information risks, cybersecurity risks have changed the landscape of K12. Despite the growing risks, we have yet to see a hyper-awareness of school and community leaders of the landscape of cybersecurity impact.


The Rise of Digitization

Why cybersecurity is important, current risks, often overlooked struggles, the significance of collaboration, and more. Engage further in the discussion on Twitter. Follow: @Infosys, @CoSN, @edCircuit.
The Digitalization of Waste Management for Circular Economy

Mitrankur Majumdar

Sr. VP and Global Head, Services, Infosys.

Lenny Schad

Chief Information and Innovation Officer, District administration.

About COSN

COSN (Consortium for School Networking) is an internationally recognized premiere professional association dedicated exclusively to serving and supporting education technology leaders. It has more than 7,000 edtech professionals in over 1,000 member institutions and 31 state chapters. CoSN’s resources support the entire IT team in a school system/district and provides opportunities for companies that support the K12 edtech community to participate as corporate members.

Globally, 56% of K-12 schools report being hit by an attack, Phishing being the largest.

Researchers found that 30% of K-12 school districts have no cloud security platform.

Only 54% school districts are monitoring cyberattacks in real time.

Ransomware attacks have caused 285 days of downtime and 1,992 days of recovery time in 2021.

Financial loss due to penalty/recovery/compensation of loss.

Reputational damage to institutes.

Intellectual Property/Patents or confidential research of the school.

Personal information of students and staff.

Click here for the next episode!


Scott Gilhousen

Chief Information Technology Officer, Houston Independent School District (HISD)

Mayank Agarwal

Head North America, Infosys CyberSecurity

The CoSN Podcast is produced in partnership with edCircuit. To learn more about CoSN, visit