
Digital Immune System

The applications and services are shielded against irregularities like software bugs or security vulnerabilities by a drobust digital immune system., powerful processing demand so they can recover from failure quickly and reduces the risks to business continuity that result from the total or severe failure of important applications and services.


  • Businesses encounter unmatched challenges in ensuring efficient operations in the environment, reliable delivery, and fast delivery to end customers.
  • Businesses wants to reacted quickly to changes in the business and adapt quickly to end users wants and except high performance, security, and satisfaction in interacting with their business data.
  • DIS Definition: To reducing business risks, the Digital Immune System (DIS) combines techniques and technology for software design, development, operations, and analytics.

Why digital immune system?

The past decade has seen a rise in data breaches and other threats, raising serious concerns about the need for improved cybersecurity.

To put into context, a whopping $6.9 billion was lost to cybercrime in 2021, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)’s annual Internet Crime Report.

Global cybercrime costs are expected to grow by 15 percent per year to reach $10.5 trillion annually by 2025, up from $3 trillion USD in 2015. This calls for intervention.

Digital Immune System

Digital Immune System

To improve user experience (UX) and lower business-impacting failures, Digital Immune Systems offers a range of applications and tactics from software design, development, automation, operations, and analysis. To increase their robustness and speed up failure recovery, DIS secures the applications and services.

Most respondents (48%) in a recent Gartner poll on reducing barriers to digital execution stated that improving the customer experience (CX) is the key objective of their digital efforts. DIS will be essential to ensuring that the CX is not impacted by flaws, malfunctions, or malfunctions like software bugs or security vulnerabilities.

Digital Immune System

Digital Immune System

The overall rate of cybercrime per one lakh people grew from 3.3 to 3.7 in 2020. This is 0.9 for union territories and 3.8 for states. In 2020, Karnataka (16.2), Telangana (13.4), Assam (10.1), Uttar Pradesh (4.8), Meghalaya (4.4), Maharashtra (4.4), and Odisha (4.2) recorded the highest rates of cybercrime.

Digital Immune System – An Outlook

The user experience (UX) is improved, and business risks are decreased by the digital immune system's utilization of several tools, strategies, and techniques that are based on software development, design, analysis, and operations. Effective DIS is demonstrated using data analytics to enhance user experience (UX) and better understand digital processes. Utilizing AI-enhanced systems to spot odd or suspicious behaviors is an additional choice.

Digital Immune System – Key role

The DIS assists software firms in developing software applications with improved resilience and failure resistance. Software engineering teams can be more effective in addressing threats and vulnerabilities such as functional problems, security vulnerabilities, and data inconsistencies thanks to the integration of technologies and practices in DIS. Following that, it is thought that DIS can help a software corporation produce better software applications with improved user and customer experiences as well as robust products, services, and systems.

Digital Immune System Operation

  • A monitor on every PC uses various investigation developed on behavior, skeptical changes in task or family signatures to warn of the disease. Any program that traces considered to be infected and transmits a copy of itself to the enterprise's control system.
  • A central virus analysis machine receives the encrypted samples from administrator machine.
  • This system creates an environment where infected programs can work efficiently for analysis. Emulation or setting up a sandbox environment is done. in which monitor the suspicious transactions. The Virus Analysis Engine then generates a report to identify and remove viruses.
  • The produced drug sent back to the control system.
  • Mail management system is sent to infected client.
  • Prescriptions are also sent to other customers in the organization.
  • International registrants make regular vaccinations to prevent new diseases.

Digital Immune System

The digital immune system combines technology for software development, automation, operations, and analytics to enhance user experience (UX) and improve performance. In the case of an operational breakdown, Agile DIS provides speedy recovery while protecting apps and services.

By offering enhanced and specialized services, businesses can improve customer experience, safeguard clients from harmful actions like data breaches and ransomware attacks, and lower system failures that have a detrimental effect on digital firm operations.

According to 2021 Gartner research, organizations that increase customer satisfaction with “growth, margin, and profitability” are more likely to report a past (CX) superior customer experience and are 29% more likely to achieve Customer Success (CX) investments.

To adequately safeguard the company, an integrated defense plan should incorporate software design, digital processes, development, operations, and analytics.

Businesses can lower continuity risks linked to major programmed unresponsiveness or malfunctions by enhancing usability and security inside digital environments. For instance, a strong DIS will shield services and applications from flaws like security holes or computer viruses, making systems reliable, allowing for speedy failure recovery.

A health DIS's complex computerized systems are stays constant observation. The system immediately implements preventative safeguards to defend the platform from prospective assaults when a suspicious vulnerability is discovered.

Enterprises face unprecedented challenges in ensuring resilient operating environments, accelerated digital delivery, and the reliable end-user experience.(
Joachim Herschmann
Senior Director Analyst at Gartner

Requirements for designing an unbreakable application.

Digital Immune System

Create a crystal-clear vision statement to help organize and effectively implement the creation of digital immunity. For this, the following six methods and technologies can be used:

  • Observability When software and systems are observable, they may be carefully tracked, monitored, and assessed. The user experience is improved with user behavior analysis, which also improves accuracy and resilience for a variety of sensitivity levels.
    Tools: AppDynamics, Datadog, Dynatrace, Grafana, Light step, New Relic, Splunk…
  • AI-augmented Testing Organizations’ software evaluation process are changing as of testing is, becoming less reliant on manual intervention. Every facet of testing automation, from strategy to development, maintenance, and analysis, is provided. Standard automation testing is supported by automation testing, which extends standard test automation to save time and effort at each level.
    Tools: Katalon, Tricentis, NeoLoad, Tricentis, NeoLoad, Micro Focus UFT One, Lambda Test, Tricentis Test Project.
  • Chaos Engineering Teams can proactively detect and address possible issues and vulnerabilities in complex systems with the discipline of chaos engineering. This non-intrusive approach ensures system performance by evaluating the pre-production settings prior to deployment. Organizations can be better prepared for production hardening by mastering this approach early on and having a solid understanding of what works and what doesn't based on their test results.
    Tools: Chaos Mesh, Chaos Monkey, Gremlin, Litmus Chaos.
  • Auto-remediation enables the program to keep track of activity independently while averting issues before they arise. Users gain from uninterrupted service as a result, and operations staff no longer needs to be involved in fixing pointless problems as soon as they arise. Additionally, auto-remediation can fix poor UX using chaotic engineering in conjunction with observability to reduce failures.
  • Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) improves customer experience and retention by utilizing service level objectives to improve service management. By assisting businesses in finding the ideal mix between speed, stability, risk, and less technical debt for their development teams, they can spend more time providing their customers with compelling user experiences.
    Tools: Datadog, Lightrun, New Relic, Grafana, PagerDuty, Honeycomb, Microsoft Teams ...
  • Software Supply Chain Security Software supply chain security actively thwarts attacks on the software supply chain. Using a Software Bill of Materials (BOM), we can create openness, visibility, security, and integrity for both open-source and proprietary code in software supply chains. Using rigorous version control guidelines with an artefact store, software can deliver reliable content management by protecting internal and external code from damage or tampering. Each level also assesses the vendor risk. To increase security and reduce ender risk, organizations should develop a security management strategy and use trusted authentication tools for trusted content.
    Tools: Scribe Security, Anchore, Codenotary, Contrast Security, Argon, Cybeats, Legit Security, Cycode, Chainguard, Arnica …

Digital Immunity – Quality Enhancement of software

Software and application engineering managers can ensure user satisfaction in their applications by building a strong defense system using the six applications above. Users will also notice the benefits of more uptime and the overall improvement of the Digital immunity leads to the following major changes in software and application engineering approach:

  • By redefining the conventional quality-centered approach to applications or projects, this new viewpoint encourages a holistic and comprehensive understanding of quality. This facilitates the process of an organization becoming digitally mature.
  • Every step of the application development process is woven with a commitment to quality, ensuring that the solutions primarily meet the needs of the end user.
  • Determines the crucial tasks, processes, and equipment required to create trustworthy applications and hires staff with the necessary qualifications.
  • Any DIS must have context-sensitive surveillance capabilities. Context-aware monitoring delivers real-time insight by fusing data from various sources with machine learning techniques.

Digital Immune System

To enhancing a powerful digital immune system, engineering must adopt a comprehensive strategy. To build a digital immunity framework that can shield their organizations from harm, software and application developers needs to equipped with the appropriate technology and tools as well as a thorough understanding of AI approaches and principles. The procedures used to build an efficient DIS differ based on the project's requirements, but there are a few that we advise taking to protect your software from potential threats:

Suggested Measures Reasons to implement
Examine your security needs Start by identifying any current issues or vulnerabilities so you can focus on the areas where a digital immunity system is most needed.
Examine the threat environment Keep an eye out for any new security threats or trends in your area.
Create security prototypes Make protocols that are specific to the requirements of your company.
Utilize automation Use automated methods, such as machine learning or Al-based security solutions, to find and stop harmful activity.
Regularly access the system To make sure your DIS is working properly, regularly analyze and validate it.

Above measure can help software and application engineers create a powerful digital immune system that protects their applications from potential threats and helps ensure the quality of their applications. Businesses may feel secure knowing that their infrastructure and data is protected from criminal attackers due to this technology.

Digital Immune System and the future of tech

Deploying modern technologies comes with additional risks for companies across the globe considering the growing and ongoing threat of cyberattacks.

In 1999, leading American software company, Symantec Corporation launched the Digital Immune System, a platform for providing corporate customers with intelligent tools that keep systems running at peak performance.

After 10 or more years later, the scale and robustness of cyberattacks have increased rapidly, forcing Big Tech companies to act. In 2018, tech giant Google unveiled Chronicle, a cyber defense product aimed at identifying threats faster than any other tool on the market.

Another example is American Airlines, which uses site reliability engineering, chaos engineering practices, and a “test-first” approach to tackle increased system complexity and address unknown vulnerabilities and weaknesses. This has, in turn, increased the company’s system understanding and knowledge and revealed one large resilience vulnerability.

In fact, an airline dealing with a large chunk of data requires a robust IT backbone in dealing with technological risks and cyber threats. “We have a rich history with technology and most of the time we’re just making incremental improvements on our systems,” Phillip Easter, head of emerging technology at American Airlines, said in a recent interview.

As per reports is Banco Itaú, a Brazilian bank added predictive and remediation capabilities to its monitoring systems to continuously assess health, improve system performance, and deliver insight into what drives the best employee and customer experience. With banks prone to cybercrime, the move may be considered a trump card as it helped increase Banco Itaú’s automatic remediation of incidents by 37% and decreased their mean time to resolution by 45%.

So, embracing DIS is central to protecting systems and important data against threats, especially for digitally driven businesses most susceptible to cyber-attacks.


Enhancing user experience (UX) and lowering system failures that adversely impact business performance are the two main objectives of DIS. This is achieved by combining a variety of strategies and instruments from software development, design, automation, operations, and analytics. A DIS safeguards programs and services to increase their resilience and speed up their ability to bounce back from errors. A successful vision statement that supports organizational alignment and seamless implementation should be the first step in developing digital immunity.

  • With the help of a digital immune system that is more error resistant, better CX and UX can be developed.
  • A digital immune system works in concert with various techniques and technologies to improve the resilience of products, services, and systems.
  • Check the extent to which a DIS adds value to the business and IT communities.



Uthaman Arockia Samy

Technology Architect

Jitendra Jain

Principal Technology Architect

Nagaraja Sarma Janga

Principal Technology Architect