Enterprise-scale CI/CD

Trend 1: Modernization drives demand for cloud-based DevOps

Organizations are increasingly migrating their existing applications to the cloud or using cloudnative development to build new applications. This allows firms to speed up software deployments and generate ignificant revenues from launching new business models, boosting the usage of cloud-based commercial or open-source tools for cloud DevOps. Advanced configuration and container management, orchestration ools, and technologies like Ansible, Chef, Puppet, and Kubernetes are driving cloud DevOps adoption. Further, cloud-native DevOps services like AWS Developer Tools, Azure DevOps, GCP Cloud Build, Azure, and Lambda Cloud Formation are reducing installation and maintenance efforts required for DevOps tools. Many PaaS platforms, such as OpenShift and Pivotal Cloud Foundry, enable easy configuration of end-to-end pipelines through DevOps.

A manufacturing company was experiencing frequent downtime due to more than 2.5 million visits per day to its global website. The company partnered with Infosys to create more than 90 declarative CI/CD pipelines for its site and subsystems using Azure DevOps and Azure Resource Manager. The client achieved zero downtime and a 90% reduction in provisioning and deployment time.

Enterprise-scale CI/CD

Trend 2: DevOps scales across the enterprise to drive agility

Many businesses are implementing DevOps after realizing its benefits in specific applications. However, this requires efforts beyond setting up CI/CD for every application. Unplanned DevOps scaling can have adverse effects such as higher tooling and infrastructure costs, more effort by application teams in setting up CI/CD, and unstandardized implementation. Organizations must form a DevOps center of excellence (COE), which defines and advocates DevOps practices and guidelines. Reusable frameworks, a centralized DevOps platform, dashboards, and analytics are also crucial. Enterprise DevOps adoption goes beyond distributed technologies. All systems that are part of a value stream adopt DevOps to gain time to market benefits. Therefore, we are seeing DevOps developed for mainframes, customer relationship management applications, custom off-the-shelf products, middleware, and business process management. Vendors are also providing DevOps features as add-on tools within their products.

A U.S. automobile manufacturer faced availability and scalability challenges with its existing DevOps solutions, including noncompliance to standards, rising costs of tools, and infrastructure and security concerns. The client collaborated with Infosys to build an enterprise-scale multi-cloud platform, using AWS, Terraform, Kubernetes, and other tools, to reduce DevOps costs, achieve standardization, and eliminate currency complexity.


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