Business responsibility report
Respecting human rights
Infosys is a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and we adhere to the fundamental principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UNHRC). Our Human Rights statement guides our policies and practices dealing with our operations, partnerships, contracts and investment agreements.
Human rights laws and guidelines are respected and followed across our operations. While mutual agreements assure stakeholders such as, vendors and suppliers, of protection against human rights violations, all our employees are introduced to these polices during induction. Periodic evaluation is conducted to reduce risk of violations at all levels.
Human rights: Best practices
Infosys created a Human Rights Statement as part of the UNGC pact. This statement guides the policies and practices related to our operations, partnerships, investment agreements and contracts. It also explains the Company’s stand on compliance with global norms in providing a harassment-free workplace, freedom of association, workplace health and safety, and anti-corruption safeguards. A stringent internal and independent review through work councils and a comprehensive governance framework ensures that we are compliant with current and ongoing best practices related to human capital. We have about 14,000 contractual staff, of which close to 12,000 are from the local community. They are responsible for activities, such as housekeeping, security and maintenance services. There is a bi-monthly audit of our supplier agencies to check compliance with various labor laws such as, the Minimum Wages Act, Payment of Wages Act, Payment of Bonus Act, Payment of Gratuity Act, Employees’ State Insurance (ESI) and Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF). We have established grievance forums for our contractual staff to ensure their issues and concerns are heard and resolved.
We have various grievance redressal channels to deal with issues related to discrimination, retaliation and harassment. The complainants are assured of complete anonymity and confidentiality. All geographies are governed by the Global Policy on Prevention and Redressal of Harassment at Infosys. The Policy on Prevention and Redressal of Sexual Harassment specific to India is applicable to India locations and is a supplement to the Company’s Global Policy and is in compliance with The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013 and the Ministry of Women and Child Development Notification dated December 19, 2013. The Company has constituted internal complaints committees in all our development centers in India to address complaints of sexual harassment raised by women employees. The constitution of the committee is as per the Act and includes external members from NGOs or persons familiar with issues relating to sexual harassment. All sexual harassment complaints can be raised by writing to GRB@infosys.com.
Providing a conducive work environment
We adhere to the OHSAS 18001:2007 specifications, which ensure that all our objectives with regard to providing a safe, healthy and conducive work environment for our employees, contractors and visitors, are measured. We are committed to ensuring safety at our construction sites and continue to engage with our construction suppliers through training, audits and safety checks. Some welfare initiatives such as providing clean drinking water and adequate infrastructure have been launched at all our construction sites with the aim to improve the workers’ living conditions.
For more details on grievances and harassment, refer to the Enhancing employee value section of this report.