Niches Land Trust

Throughout my life I have always enjoyed nature in all its forms. Whether hiking forest trails, canoeing down rivers or appreciating the flowers and wildlife, it has been an important aspect of my life. I was introduced to Niches Land Trust in 2017 hiking trails on a few of the properties they manage which were absolutely incredible. Niches Land Trust does a lot of great work to restore and maintain the properties they own and to purchase new properties, and this work leads to creating some of the most astounding natural areas in Indiana that I think we and future generations can greatly benefit from.

Soon after I began regularly volunteering with this amazing non-profit organization. Some of the work we do includes removal of invasive species such as Korean clover, honeysuckle, and garlic mustard to promote biodiversity, collection of native seeds to repopulate other areas, clearing trash from forests and waterways, trail building, and performing controlled burns. I enjoy doing this work as I believe it is very important to protect these natural areas and feel fulfilled knowing that I am helping the world even in this small way.

Niches Land Trust is now an important part of my life, sharing time with friends enjoying their properties, volunteering with them, or going to the public events they have. Niches is a group of incredible, dedicated people that are deserving of all the support they get for what they do, and I am proud to continue supporting them myself.

Niches Land Trust

Niches Land Trust

Niches Land Trust

Niches Land Trust