The sights and sounds meet the data. The scores and stats meet the insight. The Infosys
Match Centre is bringing fans closer to the court and the context.
Immersively and Analytically
3D CourtVision shows each point from four angles: player, broadcast, side and
top. As a point unfolds, ball trajectories and data are served from sky high to up close.
MatchBeats has been reimagined for a mobile experience. But whether it’s
scrolling horizontally or vertically, the insight and the delight remains the same.
Archived and Live
The Infosys Match Centre has been enabled for every match from 2018, so fans can
dig through historical data till 2020 and see history in the making now.
Behind the scenes, AI is not just crunching the data in real time as the match
unfolds. It is also narrating what mattered by generating set summaries on its own.
Technology exists, to unite. To connect us. To inspire us. This year, Roland-Garros and
Infosys bring you closer, wherever you are. Come #Undistance. Come experience the next.