What I Helped Design

Mekhi Jones
Stanford University, USA

My first time out of the country was for my Infosys internship in the summer of 2017 as a UXer/UIer; designing the B in an A/B test for the new Infosys corporate website. The B version wanted an emphasis on interactivity and user digital journeys as it pertained to how university students and new-grads in America and Europe (what we call personas) navigated the Infosys website.

My work was in user research through in-person or over the phone interviews and analytics on the motivations and behaviors of these target groups, then designing UI features (using HTML/CSS/Javascript) to aid the user experience on the site. This work was formalized for future development on templates and code snippets, and was recently integrated into the live website infosys.com once it launched!

Overall, my internship with Infosys made me a very user-centric engineer and gave me an invaluable experience working in an international company as a software engineer. I will always cherish the summer I spent in Bangalore with Infosys!