My Three Most Memorable Months

The 3 months spent in Infosys, during the winter of 2018, has been some of the most memorable months of my life.

Harpreet Singh
The University of Auckland

Harpreet Singh

It was not only educational, but had an amazing mix of sports, activities, cultural exploration and sight-seeing. Every day was an adventure and work did not seem like work. The accommodation was excellent and we felt immensely comfortable throughout our internship. And it wasn’t just the Infosys team, having so many other interns on campus made it seem like we were not alone in this and the diverse group made for a great experience. I’ll forever treasure the friendships and the professional relationships I made during this period.

One of the biggest stepping stones to that has been my full-time employment in Infosys. As an intern, we saw Infosys provide so many amenities to the employees. These amenities improve the employees’ mood at work and they become more likely to produce a higher quality of work. The time spent at Infosys aspired us to work at a company with a similar work environment.

The experience I got with the 12 weeks of my internship was invaluable. It not only helped me with my remaining time at the university but also with my future as a software developer. By and large, this internship challenged my university experience as well as my ability to learn. Completing this internship has been rewarding and has given me the utmost confidence that I can carry with me always and forever!