“I would do it all over again”

Alexandra Dent
Arizona State University, USA

I came across the internship position during a career fair on my campus and was amazed at the many project opportunities available to undergraduates. I had been on the hunt for a machine learning internship for a while, but most internships required students to be pursuing graduate studies.

Alexandra Dent

My project at InStep program involved image data augmentation using machine learning technology. This involved generating synthetic images from genuine images, and then using image classification to determine if the computer could correctly classify the fake generated images. I completed my project with the help of my mentor, who was an industry expert in the area of ML and assisted me throughout the internship. I came into the internship with a limited theoretical knowledge regarding ML, and this internship helped me turn my knowledge into a practical project, and helped me enhance my knowledge in ML applications like Python, and data analysis.

Outside of work, I got a chance to explore India, try delicious cuisine, travelled to seven cities outside Bangalore, and experienced cultural events hosted by Infosys (from Bollywood dance lessons, to cooking classes). This internship has tremendously helped me with my undergraduate research involving using EEG data to predict epileptic seizures, has also helped me at my current internship with another company, and will be beneficial during my graduate school. Infosys has provided me with the ultimate academic, industry, and cultural experience and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat!