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Human Potential

Infosys Offers Learning that Maps to the Industry Demand

Various studies indicate that India produces almost 1.5 million engineers every year, almost 25 percent of the world’s total output. While these numbers look impressive, unfortunately, in the recent past, questions have been raised on the employability of these new engineers. An assortment of studies shows that somewhere between 75 -95 percent of Indian engineering graduates fail to meet the industry’s quality criteria.

Interestingly, even with this low employability, India is recognized as a leading contributor to the IT industry, delivering both on-shore and off-shore IT consulting and services to global clients. Consider the impact India can make if these 75% to 90% of the graduates who have been labelled unemployable are up-skilled and join the workforce as industry-ready talent. We can boost not just the IT industry but drive growth and innovation in all allied industries as well.

A Digital Learning Platform for the Next-gen Employees

Infosys’ extensive, world-class training program in technology for entry level hires is something that has emerged in response to the need to prime up the existing skill-levels of this important talent pool. We have digital platforms which offer learning seamlessly to our employees anytime, anywhere and on any device. We ensure our training stays relevant with content that is curated, contextual and dynamic. With the use of telemetry and statistics, we help learners track their progress and reach their daily learning goals.

However, our next-gen learning platform imbibing these learning principles was available only to those who joined Infosys. We decided to take a radical approach to challenge this and the result is InfyTQ, a next-generation digital platform for skills training and corporate engagement that is available to every engineering student in India.

An Opportunity to Learn Directly from the Industry

InfyTQ, which is designed primarily for engineering students in India, seeks to establish talent readiness at an industry level by offering learning programs in IT along with assessments and certification. The courses and assessments are designed to train and enable the students on technology and professional skills such that they are truly industry-ready when they first join the workforce. Students not only get a chance to experience the Infosys’ training program first-hand but they can also get a view into the world of Infosys, with access to employee experiences, alumni stories, contests, news and other insights. They can access the platform both through mobile and desktop, although certain components such as active hands-on coding lend themselves better to a desktop.

For Infosys, it’s an opportunity to interact with the future technology workforce of India, provide them with training for skills that the industry needs and familiarize them with Infosys while still in college. We also have an opportunity to assess the capabilities of these students, so we are better equipped to make hiring decisions.

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