Let's keep the wheel of progress turning
The Mattachine society is formed
Illinois decriminalizes homosexual acts
The Stonewall Riots and the Gay Liberation Front
The first Pride march in the US
The rainbow flag is first flown
Homosexuality legalized in Spain
Anti-discrimination legislation in Sweden
First pride march in South Asia
Repeal of US military's Don't Ask Don't Tell policy
Barack Obama includes gay rights in inaugural speech
Same-sex marriage legalized in the US
Homosexuality decriminalized in India
Anti-discrimination law for LGBTQIA+ workers in the US
Respect for Marriage Act in the US
US restores health protections for gay and transgender people

There have been decades of progress in equality and recognition for the LGBTQIA+ community. Pride 2024 is another celebration of LGBTQIA+ awareness and integration.
And yet, the community still faces discrimination every day. 100% acceptance is still work in progress. We help draw attention to this fact with the spinning rainbow wheel.
The ‘inclusion in progress’ wheel is the metaphor we chose for our Pride Month campaign, as a symbol of progress we are all making in truly including the LGBTQIA+ community, and the need to accelerate this progress as well.
The wheel will keep spinning as long as there is work to be done to build a truly inclusive world.
Voices for Progress
Inspiring and insightful perspectives from the LGBTQIA+ community and allies

Philippines“As an ally, I celebrate Pride by respecting and accepting differences. Let’s contribute to progress by embracing diversity and making inclusion a way of life.”

Germany“I celebrate Pride ’24 – a peaceful protest to open the eyes of those who struggle to understand that gender and sexuality are fluid. We need to increase acceptance, raise awareness and develop a support network to help LGBTQIA+ people overcome their challenges.”

UK“I celebrate Pride ’24 as an ally. I call out microaggressions and discriminatory behavior. And we all need to do more - we must step forward, be active in our support of our LGBTQIA+ colleagues, and make sure our workplaces are safe spaces for everyone.”

USA“I am thrilled to see Pride helping to create a safe environment for individuals to be their true selves. But we should remember that this is not the norm: many countries and communities still grapple with oppressive laws and norms against LGBTQIA+ individuals.”

USA“Pride celebrations prompt me to practice gratitude for those who fought for equality for the LGBTQIA+ community. I see that progress can still be made at every level, from daily interpersonal interactions to a larger societal level.”

UK“As we celebrate Pride '24, we should remember that there are still countries where we are fighting the battle to decriminalise and legalise same-sex marriage. We have a long way to go to make public spaces and workspaces more inclusive to counter heteronormative discourse. Stay proud, love boldly and ally fiercely.”

USA“It’s heartening that our company embraces Pride as a message and movement. I'm happy that we are doing our bit to broadcast a message of acceptance. There is still so much to do, but awareness of celebrations like Pride Month takes progress forward.”

Germany“By standing with the LGBTQIA+ community, we promote an inclusive and compassionate society that treats everyone equitably. Pride is a celebration of solidarity and inclusion. I believe progress can be made by combating misinformation and making the right information from trusted sources available to everyone.”

USA“Pride fosters a safe, respectful environment at work – it motivates me to bring my whole self to work and thrive professionally. To speed up progress, it is crucial to have visible LGBTQIA+ representation in leadership positions.”

USA“Pride Month is a celebration of the history of the LGBTQIA+ rights movement. I see it as an opportunity to continue to be a strong ally at work and in the community. Until the world reaches 100% inclusion, the progress wheel must keep turning.”

Germany“I remember that homophobic behavior was very prevalent in the 90s. I celebrate the progress that we have made in reaching a far higher level of acceptance today. Large organizations are supporting LGBTQIA+ campaigns and even administrations have adopted more gender-neutral language.”

Netherlands“I celebrate Pride and the diversity of our life experiences because we should all be proud of who we are. We can give diversity a solid footing by creating a better understanding of equity.”

New Zealand“As an organisation, we believe that diversity is one of the chief drivers of growth and success – when everyone is comfortable in the workplace, everyone progresses together. LGBTQIA+ inclusion is crucial for us all.”

USA“Knowing that LGBTQIA+ people can live and be out without fear is beautiful and inspiring. As we celebrate Pride, we must remember that sexual orientation is only one part of who we are – it shouldn’t become a primary focus when someone is not heterosexual.”

Philippines“As we celebrate Pride Month, I proudly stand as an ally. Everyone deserves the freedom to love and express themselves authentically, without fear of discrimination or prejudice. Let us use this moment to amplify marginalized voices, educate ourselves, and actively work towards a more inclusive and open society.”

Philippines“As an ally, I celebrate Pride Month with the awareness that we are all born equal, and we must all be treated as equals - that applies no matter what our sexual orientation and gender identity. Our compassion and empathy for others should not be selective.”

UK“As an ally, the vision of people living freely and joyfully as their true selves is what I celebrate during Pride. While the LGBTQIA+ movement has made progress in recent years, the harsh reality is that basic civil rights and freedoms remain out of reach for many people. I hope there comes a day when no one has to fight to be treated with basic human dignity.”

Netherlands“Stereotypes and the many misconceptions about LGBTQIA+ are among the biggest obstacles to progress. I celebrate Pride to help raise awareness and challenge assumptions about one’s identity.”

Philippines“People’s reactions to someone coming out have evolved and matured over time. But true progress, to my mind, would be when no one has to ‘come out’, because they didn’t have to hide their true self in the first place. Someday, we won’t need a special month to celebrate Pride, because every life should be celebrated throughout the year.”

Philippines“It is easier to come out when you surround yourself with the right people, your loved ones, and your friends; when you know you are understood and loved. That is why it is nice to be part of an organization that believes we can build harmonious relationships regardless of differences.”

India“Pride is successfully making society more accepting. It’s wonderful to see people becoming more supportive in the workplace. However, if someone comes out, we should be careful to treat them the same as before. Homophobia and the fear of disclosure continues to exist to a certain degree.”

Australia“The era of greater acceptance and visibility for LGBTQIA+ is a dream turned into reality thanks to the battles fought and sacrifices made by generations of community members and allies. Pride is a milestone in a courageous journey that is far from over.”

Philippines“The inclusivity and respect for diversity I see in my workplace are reasons to celebrate Pride. Even small steps like gender-neutral restrooms are signs of improvement. They help us look forward to more progress.”

Philippines“I used to be very self-conscious about other people's perception of me. Let’s celebrate Pride by starting from within, by forgiving ourselves for the times when we were too square, too tentative, and too self-conscious. The first step in gaining acceptance from others is to accept and acknowledge oneself.”

USA“To celebrate Pride ‘24 is to honor the activists who made progress possible. It is incredibly empowering, but it also reminds us of the ongoing fight for equitable support.”

USA“In today’s more open and accepting climate, Pride remains a vital platform for celebrating our diversity, fostering understanding, and promoting love and inclusion. Progress can be made by increased acceptance from society. I am grateful that I work for a company that thrives on inclusivity.”

Philippines“Being a member of LGBTQIA+ does not mean having to shape your identity to fit other people’s preconceptions. What’s most important is being comfortable with yourself. I’m happy to be working in an organization that understands the value of inclusivity.”

USA“Pride is a powerful reminder that joy and love are universal aspirations. Unfortunately, stereotypes and inaccuracies about the community persist. We can drive progress through continuous education beyond Pride Month.”

Philippines“My workplace inspires me to be my best because there are no boundaries - we can be who we are and at the same time be professionally successful. However, there is more to be done for inclusiveness in our society. I have always lived by what Elliot Page said, "We deserve to experience love fully, equally, without shame and compromise.”

Philippines“As we celebrate Pride 2024, I want to say that labels can shape a person and their story. Every time we label a human being, we start filtering what we see, and we make them smaller by putting them in a box. We are all equal, we are all entitled to a life of dignity and respect, free from discrimination.”

Philippines“I am proud that our workplace has many LGBTQIA+ members and allies. We have come a long way from having to hide in plain sight. We can now be our authentic selves, and expect to be respected, valued and appreciated. We are on the right track.”

Philippines“Pride is about celebrating who we are, demanding equality, and remembering the trailblazers who got us here. I feel free and comfortable talking about my sexuality at my workplace, and I’m grateful for this.”

Anna Mae
Philippines“Being both a mother and a part of the LGBTQIA+ family isn’t easy. But being in a supportive, inclusive workplace is a great relief. Pride can help spread this culture of equity and fairness.”

BHP, Infosys Client“Significant strides in the corporate sector have created an inclusive culture where everyone feels comfortable to bring their whole self to work. Despite this, pockets of discrimination still exist, and that needs to be addressed through ongoing conversations and awareness.”

Charlotte Jones
Rite Aid, Infosys Client“Rite Aid has made meaningful progress for the LGBTQIA+ community by sourcing talent from LGBTQIA+ communities, providing allyship training, fostering engagement through internal platforms, and marketing to LGBTQIA+ customers. Celebrating Pride beyond Pride Month further emphasizes our ongoing allyship. We believe all leaders can drive inclusive change by updating LGBTQIA+ Inclusion policies and procedures, encouraging open dialogue, and implementing robust training to prevent microaggressions. Building a culture of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) – where people are valued, respected and accepted – is an ongoing endeavor. We know that DEIB must move beyond “statistics” into tangible actions that permeate across every level of an organization as we promote empathy and unity. And that’s exactly what we’re committed to doing, every day.”

Luis Trujillo
zooplus, Infosys Client“‘Visibility’ is the biggest advancement and simultaneously the greatest open challenge for the LGBTQIA+ community in the modern corporate world. Employees who come out or live openly in the workplace nowadays are just as unlikely to receive negative consequences, as they are likely to feel entirely comfortable doing so. It is important to remind ourselves that tolerance is the bare minimum, while true celebration of our diverse aspects is the real goal.”

UK“I celebrate Pride ’24 because living openly and authentically drives better relationships and higher levels of success. Unfortunately, not all LGBTQIA+ people feel safe enough to come out, even in organizations with clear DE&I policies and frequent diversity celebrations.”

India“I celebrate Pride ’24 with the memory of the understanding and acceptance I received from my colleagues when I first wore a sari to work. I wish the attire policy, across organizations, was more inclusive in tune with the greater awareness that has come to us all with time.”

India“As I celebrate Pride ’24, it warms my heart to see younger generations embrace LGBTQIA+ identities so openly. The journey isn’t over – there is lack of acceptance in rural communities and it’s frustrating to see the law lag societal progress.”

India“I celebrate Pride ’24 and I’m happy that I’m not judged for my appearance. But I wish there was more awareness - about the correct usage of people’s pronouns, for starters.”

Romania“I see Pride ’24 as a celebration of my strength and who I am as a person. It gives me courage. The first step for further progress, I think, is to go beyond stereotypes and educate all of us about the LGBTQIA+ community.”

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Accelerating Inclusion
Ideas and views from Infosys leaders

Micha Helbig
Netherland“True diversity goes beyond mere tolerance. It is about genuine understanding, empathy, and active, total support for everyone. We at Infosys work consciously to achieve this.”

USA“We’ve come a long way from the time when same-sex relationships were deemed unacceptable. But there are still many misconceptions about the LGBTQIA+ community. I am glad to say that at Infosys, there is an ongoing effort to make non-binary thinking the norm.”

Ayhee Campos
Philippines“Pride Month is an opportunity to remind ourselves that our uniqueness is what makes this world a happy place! At Infosys, creating a safe workplace resisting discrimination and allowing each one to bring their authentic selves to work is of utmost importance. As an ally, I commit to taking it upon myself to help create an environment where inclusivity is fostered.”

Shuddhashil Dey
Australia“A positive environment where individuals can express themselves freely without fear is essential for a healthy society or enterprise. Unfortunately, the LGBTQIA+ community continues to encounter unacceptable discrimination in some environments; we must strive to eliminate this stigma.”

Rafee Tarafdar
India“Society, just like technology, has been continuously evolving. We’ve seen a great deal of progress in the last few decades for LGBTQIA+ acceptance; our attitudes have evolved. We all must keep accelerating towards 100% inclusion.”

Aruna Newton
India“At Infosys, we’re continually ensuring our workplaces are spaces where all individuals can be authentic and open about their identities. I’m truly happy that everyone at Infosys is supportive and welcoming.”

Thirumala Arohi
India“Awareness leads to understanding. That is why I think education about LGBTQIA+ is key to progress with inclusion. Infosys fosters a culturally rich environment in which we all learn from each other.”

Andrea Hendrickx
Germany“Being able to be your true self without being judged is everyone’s right. So, it’s great that Infosys offers an inclusive environment where you’re encouraged to be yourself. Different is neither better nor worse, it is simply different – so let us embrace diversity.”

Shamita Chatterjee
India“Like everything that fosters inclusion and affirmation, Pride is a huge contributor to collaboration and creativity. We should rejoice in differences and celebrate them. Managers have the responsibility of being self-aware of their biases and encouraging meaningful conversations around them.”

Shishank Gupta
India“The celebration of diversity that Pride stands for is key to a growth mindset. Progress will gather pace as we intensify efforts to ensure awareness and, policies that foster diversity are embraced at the grassroots level.”