Schedules to the Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2009

13.2.1. Aggregate expenses

The aggregate amounts incurred on expenses are as follows:

In Rs.
 Year ended December 31,
  2009 2008
Salaries and bonus including overseas staff expenses 1,15,50,89,393 84,80,86,616
Contribution to provident and other funds 6,72,848 6,97,958
Staff welfare 2,93,25,662 1,79,74,137
Group health insurance 20,38,960 55,49,040
Overseas travel expenses 4,99,40,632 5,65,20,345
Visa charges and others 1,24,13,039 49,13,479
Travel and conveyance 2,42,50,665 1,02,66,549
Technical sub-contractors - others 7,55,21,523 1,59,59,667
Software packages    
For own use 62,31,606 47,70,725
Professional charges 2,70,25,781 2,76,92,532
Telephone charges 1,45,88,851 1,67,58,771
Communication expenses 2,73,97,049 1,87,48,406
Power and fuel 2,20,38,237 1,58,49,468
Office maintenance 1,69,53,606 1,41,26,092
Guest house maintenance 8,505 1,000
Commission charges 245,969
Brand building 1,98,241
Rent 7,88,16,766 5,26,38,739
Insurance charges 33,56,657 21,92,499
Computer maintenance 1,69,40,438 28,65,269
Printing and stationery 42,02,138 39,30,594
Consumables 26,49,021 73,59,286
Donations 13,680
Advertisements 9,79,912 3,12,400
Marketing expenses 16,94,736 24,64,582
Repairs to plant and machinery 21,25,356
Rates and taxes 12,59,108 4,86,692
Professional membership and seminar participation fees 5,81,606 12,97,746
Postage and courier 8,84,703 9,22,679
Books and periodicals 34,961 74,311
Provision for bad and doubtful debts (22,65,881) 10,77,613
Provision for doubtful loans and advances 5,28,909
Bank charges and commission 6,04,235 3,44,426
Auditor's remuneration    
Statutory audit fees 12,89,074 14,89,177
Miscellaneous expenses (97,781) 73,244
  157,72,92,235 113,56,90,013

13.2.2. Capital commitments and contingent liabilities

In Rs.
As at December 31,
  2009 2008
Estimated amount of unexecuted capital contracts    
(net of advances and deposits)  29,04,041


13.2.3. Activity in foreign currency

In Rs.
 Year ended December 31,
  2009 2008
Earnings in foreign currency (on receipts basis)    
Income from software services and products 1,54,56,08,386 1,01,77,05,330
Expenditure in foreign currency (on payments basis)    
Travel expenses (including visa charges) 1,08,94,369
Other expenditure incurred overseas for software development 81,35,200
Net earnings in foreign currency 1,53,47,14,017 1,00,95,70,130


13.2.4. Obligations on long-term, non-cancelable operating leases

The lease rentals charged during the period and maximum obligations on long-term, non-cancelable operating leases payable as per the rentals stated in the respective agreements are as follows:

In Rs.
 Year ended December 31,
  2009 2008
Lease rentals recognized during the period  7,88,16,766  5,26,38,739


In Rs.
Lease obligations payable:
As at December 31,
  2009 2008
Within one year of the Balance Sheet date 5,37,13,218 4,37,52,493
Due in a period between one year and five years 1,38,80,541 4,18,61,543
Due after five years


13.2.5. Related party transactions

List of related parties:

Name of subsidiaries Country
December 31,
    2009 2008
Infosys Technologies Limited INDIA  100% 100%

Infosys guarantees the performance of certain contracts entered into by its subsidiaries

Details of amounts due to or due from as at December 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008:

In Rs.
As at December 31,
  2009 2008
Loans and advances    
Infosys Technologies Limited 47,33,08,117 49,44,72,799
Sundry debtors    
Infosys Technologies Limited 24,33,19,094 7,60,87,860
Infosys Technologies (Australia) Pty Limited   1,25,138
Infosys Mexico ,3,162
Infosys BPO Limited (including subsidiaries) 36,66,535 19,84,415
Sundry creditors    
Infosys Technologies Limited 26,12,25,904 10,68,45,720
Infosys Technologies (Australia) Pty Limited 42,56,456 6,55,296
Infosys BPO Limited (including subsidiaries) 72,47,135 53,42,194
Infosys Mexico   1,07,527
Deposit taken for shared services    
 Infosys BPO Limited    

The details of the related party transactions entered into by the company for the year ended December 31, 2009 and December 31, 2008 are as follows:

In Rs.
Year ended December 31,
  2009 2008
Capital transactions:    
Financing transactions    
Infosys Technologies Limited 20,22,75,983
Infosys Technologies Limited 7,37,19,962
Revenue transactions:    
Purchase of services    
Infosys Technologies Limited 7,55,21,523 1,62,32,787
Interest expenses    
Infosys Technologies Limited 2,90,48,968 2,70,70,568
Sale of services    
Infosys Technologies Limited 116,82,12,804 81,49,46,307
Maximum balances of loans and advances    
Infosys Technologies Limited 47,33,08,117 49,44,72,799