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New Horizons

By Julia Kavanaugh

Julia Kavanaugh

I went to school at Indiana Wesleyan University and majored in English and writing and graduated in April 2019 with a Bachelor of Arts. During my college years, I also worked as a writing tutor, newsletter editor, and deli associate at a grocery store. Mid-way through my senior year of college, a family member connected me with a recruiter, who in-turn encouraged me to apply for a job at Infosys. At the end of May 2019, I began my career at Infosys as a business analyst.

After college, I went to the Infosys hub at Hartford, Connecticut to train in business analysis, design thinking, and Oracle software. As I began working on projects, I learned Oracle Cloud, supply chain management, PL/SQL, GitHub, Jira, and a little Python. I continue my learning journey every day. Infosys provides access to many online courses to allow me to pursue my interests and curiosities – for example, coding. I have signed up for live courses online as well as through Lex, our learning platform. It’s amazing to talk with experts from across the world to further my understanding of concepts.

I love working for Infosys. Not many employers are willing to invest in training their employees for the job they are hired to perform. I am grateful for the opportunities to acquire new skills that I can turn into a fulfilling, life-long career that never stands still. I also love the community that Infosys fosters among employees. My coworkers work toward building a welcoming, collaborative work environment where people can learn and grow. I’m enjoying getting to know my colleagues, connecting with them on a personal level and working together as a team. I have learned a lot from my coworkers on the Oracle team, gaining from their encouragement and support, which is molding me into a consummate professional.

In 2019, I worked on an internal project to develop an application to help Infosys conduct interviews more effectively. The project gave me an opportunity to learn more about Agile by participating in daily scrum meetings and working on sprints. The team worked on GitHub, a software I was unfamiliar with at the time, which taught me how to quickly acquire and apply knowledge to meet deliverables. The project gave me essential training that I can apply to future projects.

I was also part of leading a volunteer initiative at Infosys, to help us as a company develop a relationship with the city and people of Indianapolis. We volunteered with Second Helpings, to put together meals for families in need, and Versiti, to run a blood drive. We were in the middle of a donation drive for Helping Veterans and Families, when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Our team had a great time creating memories during these initiatives and we can’t wait to re-start these programs once the pandemic is over.

I am happy to celebrate Infosys's 40th anniversary with a company that places such value in continuous learning and community.