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Living my childhood dream at Infosys

By Anusha B


My Infosys story began when I was in the fifth grade! Yes, you read that right, fifth grade. My family hails from Mysore and that is where I was born, so it was customary to visit my grandparents every once in a while. During one of these visits for the mid-year holidays in my fifth grade, I remember going to my cousin's house, and on the way back, I saw smartly dressed techies walking all around. On my right, I saw the Infosys Mysore Campus and I was immediately smitten. I asked my parents what would it take for me to get in here and was told that I would have to study computer science and become a software engineer to be employed by Infosys.

A few months later, I remember my relative asking me what I wanted to be when I grew up and my answer was clear – a software engineer. The obvious follow-up question was, where? Again, I was clear – Infosys! The rest of the story isn’t so straightforward, or perhaps the twists and turns were testing my resolve on what I truly wanted. Anyways, I took up computer science as my major in 11th grade and stuck to it as my branch for my bachelor's degree in engineering. Three years later came the moment of reckoning. I was super excited when Infosys was the first company to visit my college for campus placements but I had an active backlog of one paper to be cleared. The revaluation results took around 3 months to be declared and by that time Infosys had arrived to our campus. I wasn't sure if I would be allowed to appear in the selection process.

I went to my institute’s placement office and sat at my allocated system to take up the test, but that was when we were told that anyone with active backlogs would not be considered. I took the test anyway even with the knowledge that it would be discarded. I was heartbroken and spent the whole day crying. By the time I passed out of college, the pandemic had struck so the job market had come to a crashing halt. I struggled for six months straight, as I sat home unemployed, while my classmates and friends had found good jobs. I was depressed and losing hope when one day, I got a mail from my placement department informing that Infosys will be conducting a special campus recruitment program for students of the 2020 batch (my batch). The roles offered through this program were Digital Specialist Engineer and Specialist Programmer. I cleared the coding test, interview and was selected for the Digital Specialist Engineer job role.

The six months when I was unemployed taught me a lot, made me stronger, and motivated me to work on upskilling myself. It taught me humility, patience, and to work for what I had been dreaming for. In the end, it was all worth the wait when I got my employment letter and fulfilled my childhood dream. The journey here so far has been fantastic and I'm looking forward to a fruitful career ahead and contributing to the success of the company. I had heard about the top-class training that Infosys provides but the actual experience is even better. The way some educators teach and solve problems and doubts is beyond excellent, and when you get to learn from them, you naturally develop an urge to learn even more.

We can never stop learning because there will always be something new to learn and cultivate our skills. I aspire to never stop learning, keep practicing what I have already learned, and make myself a better professional each day because every moment counts. I would like to thank Infosys for giving me an opportunity and helping me realize my childhood dream and all the Infoscions who are helping and supporting me in this journey of learning. Happy 40th Anniversary Infosys!