Infusing Humanity into a Virtual World

In a decidedly digital world, how do you keep customer interactions and experiences human? And what does it take to redesign existing experiences and journeys for increased tactility? These were the questions deliberated by a panel of customer experience leaders at Infosys APAC Confluence 2021.

Skyler Mattson, President of Wongdoody, Infosys’ human experience design division, explored how enterprises can journey towards human experience over a discussion with Josie Brown, CMO, Tennis Australia; Arthur Gillion, GM, Marketing, Australian Grand Prix Corporation; and Prof. Kim Marriott, Department of Human Centred Computing, Monash University.


Key Takeaways

Human experience: an obligation, not option

Human experience: an obligation, not option

Technology’s deep pervasiveness in everyday life has set high expectations of personalisation and humanisation. Brands that are able to infuse customer experience with creativity are the ones that will thrive in the next digital landscape.

We’re more digitally native than ever

We’re more digitally native than ever

As offices across the world move online and exclusive experiences become inclusive and globally accessible, enterprises need to design and redesign experiences around a core of human emotions, needs, habits and behaviours.

Sunsetting the digital-physical dichotomy

Sunsetting the digital-physical dichotomy

The lines between our physical and digital worlds are now more blurred than ever. The next decade will see technologies like augmented reality and tangible computing make our digital and physical lives more seamless and singular than ever.

Your next workplace is probably digital

Your next workplace is probably digital

Most of the world got a healthy dose of remote work over 2020. There’s no denying that the future of work will be more remote than before, which makes it all the more important for enterprises to bring a human touch to the remote experience.