Building an AI Powered Core to Transform and Transcend

The disruptive potential of artificial intelligence (AI) is undeniable in the digital age. Although AI is far from a new concept, the struggle of cutting through the noise to understand how it will affect businesses continues, even today. "What realistic expectations can business leaders have from AI?", "Are robots coming for our jobs?" "What challenges can businesses expect as they work towards creating a new digital core for their organisations?" The panellists had some interesting insights to share on building an AI powered core. The discussion was moderated by Phil Hassey, CEO, CapioIT, and included panellists Tony Windever, Vice President and MD, Unisys Asia Pacific, Denny Kazoglou, Head of Connected Vehicle Services Business Unit, Toyota, Sharmini Sivathas, IT Director & Service Management, AMP, and Professor Glenn Wightwick, Deputy Vice-Chancellor University of Technology Sydney


Key Takeaways

Educate everyone on the value of AI-

Educate everyone on the value of AI

Lack of awareness is why AI is constantly misunderstood. Leadership teams, employees, and the public need to understand that AI is not something to be feared, but a tool to be used.

Explainability and trust go together-

Explainability and trust go together

Explaining algorithms that define every aspect of intelligence to the extent of simulation is like unravelling a person's mind. You can’t trust a decision unless you’re aware of the quality of information used.

Ethics and integrity have permeated IT-

Ethics and integrity have permeated IT

Data regulations and privacy concerns have brought about the need for hiring philosophers who can help organizations avoid nefarious practices and get ahead of the ethics game.

From hype to commercial use cases-

From hype to commercial use cases

AI helps solve compliance, regulatory and customer challenges to protect the business and its customers. Technologists need to evangelise these use cases for business leaders.