Keynote Speaker

Brad Blaze

Brad Blaze

World's Fastest Portrait Painter

In October 2011 Brad Blaze's amazing talents were recognized by the entertainment industry when he was awarded Entertainer of the Year at the Australian Event Awards, the highest award in the industry.

From once drawing people secretly on trains on his way to his 'normal' office job, Brad has gone on to entertain people around the world.

Brad Blaze is a speed painter bringing people and products to life on canvas in a matter of minutes, choreographed with high-energy music and using his talents as a magician. He has taken special events and corporate entertainment in Sydney in an exciting new direction. His high-energy shows involve the audience, selecting volunteers to have some fun on stage. The results are hilarious. He keeps you guessing as he often paints upside down, spinning the canvas in both directions.

During customised shows, Brad adds a further twist to his artwork. With his knowledge of magic, he often brings the completed painting to life with a magical illusion - whether that be using fire to reveal company logos or parts of the painting.

Brad Blaze has performed his way across the globe speed painting Formula 1 cars (Williams Toyota) and lead F1 driver Nico Rosberg (Malaysian F1 March 2008), speed painting Ayers Rock  at a Reconciliation Conference in Western Australia, speed painting music and sporting icons and the Prime Minister (Fiji August 2008), and performing corporate entertainment for such companies as PriceWaterhouse Coopers, Royal Australian AirForce, IBM.

Brad has also helped to raise thousands of dollars at charity dinners where the works he has speedpainted on the spot have been sold on the night.


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