Client Speaker

Jan Robat

Jan Robat

Head, Data Quality, ABN AMRO

Jan Robat (Head of Data Quality) is a seasoned banker with 25+ years of experience in the banking industry. In last two and half decades Jan has played multiple roles to strengthen the back bone of IT within ABN AMRO. He has delivered some of the most complex programs including the merger of ABN AMRO and Fortis Bank for ABN AMRO.

Jan was the chief architect and program manager for the ABN AMRO 2020 IT vision and have helped ABN AMRO building their future proof architecture to cater any upcoming technology needs.

After serving in several positions from architect to line manager to program manager, last year Jan was appointed as Head of Data Quality within ABN AMRO and his core focus is now to improve the data quality and build a robust data foundation. He is looking for the possibilities how good quality data can help in day to day business operations as well as drive new opportunities.

Jan has studied Informatics and Economics. Apart from technology, Jan is very close to his horses and spent his free time at stable with them in his farm house.


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